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MrBanana last won the day on April 22 2023

MrBanana had the most liked content!

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  1. @ Mighty i appreciate the generosity hope this video can give entertainment! I want to say sorry to all the APDs and people who were involved in the situation.
  2. LMAO dam @ Noble if that was me, I wouldn't even want your money I would just be happy that you've won. Im still waiting on my redemption for my online gambling tho. when can i have my money back?
  3. Enjoy Credit to my favorite actor and the movie and to Olympus community
  4. lol best friend discount 3mil each if buy both yet 4mil is already cheap for fully upgraded Kalithea 2c frog house
  5. 4 mil each https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2778959014
  6. i have 2 (2c) houses in Kalithea 4mil each leave a comment here or DM Mr.Banana
  7. i have 2 (2c) houses in Kalithea 4mil each leave a comment here or DM Mr.Banana
  8. 2c i have 2 houses available 5mil each
  9. Selling 2 best Frog house in kalithea (2C) 6Mil Each. make your money back in days Fully upgraded Full of frogs both processed and non with some weapons DM me in game -s- Mr. Banana or leave a comment
  10. you can go buy 4c for 15mil i bleive Cheese was selling it for. i can go down to 7mil but thats best i can do. you can make 14mil in 1 day with both house
  11. 2c Kalithea goes for 10mil each but Im selling it for 8mil each I got few offers in game too let me know if you want to buy it
  12. Selling 2 best Frog house in kalithea (2C) 8Mil Each. make your money back in days Fully upgraded Full of frogs both processed and non with some weapons DM me in game -s- Mr. Banana or leave a comment
  13. 10mil each let me know your thought
  14. Selling 2 best Frog house in kalithea (2C) Discounted let me know!
  15. Rafa 🙂

    1. Rafa


      I think you meant to speak with @ Moderator Rafa

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      What appears to be the problem sir

    3. MrBanana


      Moderator Rafa! 


      please un ban me PLEASE


      i did something not right and i know that


      i will follow the rules of oly and all i ask is please let me have a second chance


      Rafa i cant live without oly, am serious




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