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About bunnyofchaos

  • Birthday 04/20/1889

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  1. 离开这里怪人
  2. heres mine
  3. lets goooooooooooooooooooo
  4. me and jopple are dating!!!!!!!!!! I love his personality the way he looks at me when we ERP And how he treats me on olympus, it just makes my heart melt we've been together for 30 minutes now and i feel its going very well
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  5. So before I start I would like to state that I am 15. Me & Gummycow were close friends through my middle school years we would skype, send memes to each other, the normal friend things. But one day he asked me to come over. Which didn't sound odd at first because we were friends for 3+ years. The only problem was I am a minor and he was 19 so my mom wouldn't allow it. Fast forward 3 weeks and I snuck over via a bus ticket he purchased for me, I was going to stay there for a week and face the punishment when I got home, I had enough. By the time I got to Gummys house I was already two days into my trip because he lived one state away (I was in NewYork and he was in RhodeIsland). I got to Gummycows house and everything was okay for the most part, we ordered pizza played games including olympus, there was only one offputting thing. He consistently insisted that we go into the basement even though I didn't want to. Throughout the day it was nothing but "Oh come on down, leave your phone" or "Please come down to the basement I want to show you something". I finally went down, leaving my belongings upstairs and paid for doing so. By the time I got up he ran down the stairs and was waiting for me, I followed. By the time I got down to the bottom of the stairs I blacked out. I woke up to being in shackles on the floor with no clothes, no food, no light, no anything. This is when I decided to scream for help, for hours, FOR DAYS. I did nothing but cry or scream for nothing to happen until Gummy finally came down to the basement with nothing but a towel around his waist. By then I knew what was about to happen... It was four days until my parents called the police and they saved me from Gummycow. I refuse to reveal anymore information, just know to stay away from Gummy...
  6. This guy is one of the best players on this server, he is now my best friend I CANNOT WAIT until we meet at his house irl next month!!!!!

  7. This guy is one of the best players on this server, he is now my best friend I CANNOT WAIT until we meet at his house irl next month!!!!!

    1. bunnyofchaos


      Don't forget about Haylzz and Ghostface!

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