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Everything posted by Avxry

  1. Ya true idk just people over price warpoints
  2. Suppressors cuzzo
  3. But my bunglo Buy
  4. Yo jig I’ll buy the mar 10 later
  5. Jig u got a dms ? dms ? Jig
  6. Want black water items any
  7. Avxry

    WTB tasers

    250k Mx 450 mxm Not selling anymore someone just now buy
  8. Avxry

    WTB tasers

    I got 1 sting 1 Mx 1 mxm and 1 mk1
  9. Avxry

    wtb tazers

    I have 2 stings 1 mam 1 Mx and 1 mark 1 message if interested
  10. U buying taser? i got some 2 sting 1 Mx 1mxm 1mark 1
  11. Selling 2 crater behind office building at kavala square let me know if untreated in price and is negotiable server 2 upgrade half way
  12. Message if interested and need to know anything location right behind office building taking offers
  13. As one of the level 3 members in the gang tlp stone was the life of it and we will miss him everyday of the week I know this isn’t much but he was the life of the gang his laugh brought joy and life into the game on discord he tried to teach me about How to be more mature kid and I was to stubern to listen but now that ur truly gone I will never forget ur name R.I.P. stonebreaker have a great time in paradise
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