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Everything posted by Crashh

  1. All the cops are mad... And @rabid remember we robbed yo ass twice in a day and u said u were gonna scream in that video???
  2. @Dank MeeMoo
  3. oh and 42-46 secs one of those classy support members spat out the n-word
  4. Fr he had it out using it for "patrols only" when the rules say it can be used during federal events and HEAVY gang activity... Not just for random patrols
  5. yeah np @NeonAkira hmu on pm
  6. @Bunny u want the lt uni?
  7. dont have the vest from him i would ask KnifeMaster he might have it
  8. 100k for sting 450k for LT uni 300k for PO outift
  9. FACTS dude its mad corrupt. Admins and support members are always bending shit to their liking!
  10. I think ur salty u get ur shit stomped in every time we come across u.
  11. Okay man sounds good I’ll hit u up tomorrow when I’m on and we can arrange things. If anyone goes higher tho it will be sold to them and vise versa. !BOTH ITEMS STILL FORSALE UNTIL HE/SHE IS OUT BIDDED OR THE DEAL HAS BEEN DONE!
  12. Well I’ll be on all day tmrw if u wanna make a deal
  13. lol rabid wasnt that ur set? awww he took the vid down cuz hes MAD
  14. Atm no but im trying to get it from my friend this dudes cash...
  15. Mk 1- https://imgur.com/fp7XLzk Uniform- https://imgur.com/vaB8hlI https://imgur.com/1CQjUFL !PM ME TO NEGOTIATE PRICES! COP GOT TRIGGERED LMFAO Would be willing to sell it back to you for double the price tho bb
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