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  1. I think snipers would be fine on Olympus if they were super expensive and the best scope available was like the DMR, the DMR is only 12x zoom which is only 2x higher than the ARCO and the RCO so I wouldn't see the issue with it. The DMR just has more of a sniper feel to it (blacks out the area around the scope). Hell I would even accept not adding any snipers and just allowing us to have the DMR because it really wouldn't be that OP.
  2. Seems solid to me. I would say if you can afford to upgrade to an i7 it might be worth it, but in most cases an i5 will cut it as far as modern gaming goes. Arma does lean heavily on your CPU and RAM though more so than your GPU so in terms of JUST playing Arma with it I think the extra money for the i7 would probably be worth it.
  3. Tons of great subjects talked about in this. The one I would like to touch on the most with this incredibly long forum post is the idea of changing the economy and wiping the server. I personally agree with the idea of changing upgrades (especially all upgrades being removed from helicopters except maybe insurance) and wiping the server. I personally think the server should be on a scheduled economy (something like every 3-6 months, somewhere in that range). It would force more action and fighting, since people will have to make money, which is what tons of civ players like. Also putting it on a consistent schedule would allow people to be prepared for and just make things more interesting in the long run. In my personal opinion I think the staff should look into changing pricing of things and making the cost of playing civ more expensive (if this happens I think cop should be adjusted as well to keep people from grinding cop for money). Once all this is done I think it should be announced that the server will be wiped on a set date and put on a scheduled wipe just to keep the economy more interesting. The reason I feel this way is to be completely honest, as much as I love Olympus, enjoy RPing, and playing both civ and cop, lately I've had very little desire to do anything on the servers because as discussed when you go out looking for people and fights, hardly anyone is doing anything. Then when you go to make money you can just make MILLIONS with no problem at all in a very small amount of time and there's just not enough ways to spend it or fast enough ways to spend it. The same problem comes up on cop that comes in to civ when you go out robbing, you look for people and there's just nobody. Granted on cop there's plenty of other ways to have more fun, RPing with people in cities and such, still sometimes gunfights are tons of fun. That's my opinion on the whole economy situation because that's the subject that I actually wanted to hear most about and that I'm probably most opinionated about. Give me all the flak you want, because my opinion isn't going to change and if you disagree with it, that's fine. P.S. - Completely off the economy topic, I think the map changes so far are great, Kavala square is a little different from what I expected but most of the changes are fairly positive. Keep up the good work Jendrak.
  4. Even if it's just partially back, nice to have you back Hades get well soon
  5. I would suggest saving until you can afford one of the 900 series cards, I've heard TONS of positive reviews on them. If you want to finish it relatively soon though, the 700 series cards are no push overs. Overall I think Nvidia sells the better product at this point despite being mildly overpriced. Nvidia cards also seem to mesh well with Intel processors so there's always that to consider. I've always been an Nvidia fan though, so grain of salt.
  6. #Ebzekroforpresident Really though, I don't play with you a ton, but you are one of the more reliable players to play with if I get into a jam on Civ, only got to play Cop with you for a short amount of time but I'm sure it would be no different than Civ. Great guy, fun to play with, screw the haters.
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