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iPod Wire

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Everything posted by iPod Wire

  1. Ill be on all day tomorrow
  2. i like
  4. You shall learn how to work around it
  5. I support you waddles don't worry!
  6. Ill check for you i think they round at 2 mil.
  7. U got any Limb?
  8. We shall keep cartels from contesting in the wata
  9. @Tarquanda Ill sell you a Mk1 supp
  10. True Id Rater drink then smoke!
  11. Still Beat Your Ass In Brawhalla- For Bojo True but Drinking Fucks your liver up
  12. I'm Bored and was disappointed when I found out our caps were taken by randoes lmao GN Bojo
  13. I've been asked this question so many times wanna know what yall think, is smoking better than drinking, or is drinking better then smoking???
  14. Bruh If you Drink pepsi,
  15. I can vouge LOL at this stupid allegation that @SPBojo and dank pods does not help people, I was dead broke they gave me starting money and taught me things that I would never think of so this allegation is complete Bull Shit.
  16. I agree and I will think abt your opinion more and maybe consider my vote
  17. Hello its Ipod wire i honestly dont think this should be a thing or question lol its cap you risk your kit as soon as you go into warzone. Feel free to debate this situation with me in replys :)- Best Wishes.
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