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About drewc

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  1. Welcome to my TEDx talk where today I will explain to you what a true Maoist Society looks like: Step 1: suppress the active majority and working class in which you return the power to the weathly minority who hold land/stake in the current economic affairs Step 2: once you have gotten rid of any opposition to your ability to monopolize the economic sector you can now set the prices of goods and services according to what benefits you and those you have put in power, all the the behest of the average worker step 3: congratulations you have now made one of the most corrupt systems of government where the top 5% control the actions and abilities of the average person! You have successfully replaced the ability to take criticism from your peoples as all choices are voted on and decided by the same inner circle. Wages are slashed as the top 5% must become richer and exert more influence and power over the already oppressed majority. hmm for some reason this looks a lot like olympus Case 'n point. @ Ryan come get your dog it sounds like he's been costing you some $$$, seems like a pretty terrible business partner if you took off the rose colored glasses
  2. drewc

    The Estate Sale

    gon respond? tryna buy a lot
  3. drewc

    Wtb tasers

    Pm me
  4. drewc

    WTB 338 SUP

    message me and we'll talk Also buying AT's
  5. what the title says, pm me and drop an offer
  6. check yo pms
  7. Pm me prices
  8. drewc

    Fire Sale s2

    Il buy all the spike strips, stones, and 5.8s hmu
  9. drewc

    WTB .338 sup

    your broke ass doesnt even have the money for one
  10. title
  11. drewc


    hmu lemme buy all dem spars
  12. drewc

    WTB 7.62 sup

    @kami 2.5M
  13. drewc

    WTB 7.62 sup

    dm me
  14. 2.5m 7.62 sup rn hit me tryna buy
  15. Gimme
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