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  1. have you seen that mf, he 13 with 3 chins
  2. way past your bedtime little guy, also thought this might help you out
  3. I'm talking about how I am at war with silla, but someoeone in silla is rolling with a different gang running there tags - but they are still in silla and that said person shoots at me because I am enemy gang, but now his 10 man that all have tags with him and initiated with me because he was enemy gang but his friends with the tags hes running wasn't When a 10 man is auto engaged because 1 member rocking there tags is warred with us, it can be hella annoying
  4. by my point I made earlier, yesterday the Noble gang had 3-4 different people who weren't in the gang running tags and if you are warred with one of them like I was, all he had to do was shoot at me once and his whole gang is initiated, but if he had to be in the gang to run there tags, issues like that wouldn't happen, it would also help the overall aspect and ROE of the game - you say how tags might be ugly, but that's why I said gangs should be able to set there custom tag and when you join it gets added, if you don't want to rock gang tangs then simply don't be in a gang, gang tags would help a lot with wars against other gangs but also with engagement issues and much more, it's very pointless to put an hour limit on the tag because a lot of the bigger gangs with way more than 300-500 + hours abuse the gang tag system without even being in a gang together or people who aren't in the gang will run the tags If you check the poll, way more than %50 who have answered the poll said they like the idea of game tags, it will improve the overall aspect of engagement
  5. I agree, the hour limit completely negates any use it would have
  6. Don't have an hour limit on it, the big gangs that are doing this all have above that hour limit and abuse this gang tag feature, genuinely I like that you guys are doing it but making it a feature to turn off completely negates any good it will do
  7. I agree, adding this would benefit the overall quality of Olympus
  8. I see a lot of people who are in different gangs, running gang tangs of another gang and rolling with them and this can be problematic if you're warred with that gang and either they don't show us as a red name because they aren't in the gang or you are warred with the gang they are actually in but not the gang that is the tags they are using - they could just shoot at you once and now there whole gang is initiated on you and it can also be very confusing. I suggest that a gang can choose a custom tag to set for there gang and each member who joins will automatically get that tag put in there name, this would help with a lot of those annoying or confusing situations and would allow people to actually be in the gang to run the tags, I saw 3 + different people in multiple different gangs running the Noble gang tags and they had a 10 man, I was warred with one of them and of course when he shoots the whole 10 man can pull up, I suggest this idea to improve upon the aspect of playing with the gang but also the point of being in a gang and using there tags. If you leave that gang those tags are removed, this would stop people from mass rolling with a gang and running there tags but aren't actually with the gang and I believe it will lead to some players swapping gangs and much more. Give some feedback on this idea whether you think it might work or if it's just shit, having dealt with seeing a player tagged of an enemy gang and seeing white name and being confused and then an actual gang member with a red name comes out can be annoying and I believe this will overall improve the gameplay and quality of life on Olympus as well as having all those untagged players in a gang be tagged.
  9. silla is free war points, it's just a kav shitter gang that does nothing but sit in square
  10. I'll see what I can do
  11. Pay me money in game and I will hunt the player down and kill them and then upload the video of their death to the forums or send to you privately in dms, taking all requests (willing to kill my own gang members in cold blood for quick cash) - The Captain America If you wish me to wipe an entire gang that can also be done (you can specify how you want them to die, but you will need to compensate more than before if you do)
  12. swear you gave me a kiss in game earlier @HeadLESSsaid he making one for me for finding a dupe glitch and saving the server because I'm such a heroic player
  13. As the next Captain America of Olympus I will be needing designs on my brand new shield for in game use as well as some bitches on my dick, thank you - love Cap'n
  14. still bitchmade, go ahead n leave the forums cuck
  15. swear you said you were leaving and yo goofy ass still on the forums
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