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Everything posted by gonewild

  1. @ temoxity
  3. I would never ..
  4. ^ noone cares , this is your second time posting your hours played as if its a flex..
  5. brother you spend too much time in the calgary streets
  6. free the boy
  7. I feel that same payouts but a little faster would make it a little more enjoyable, people don't want to spend as much time grinding. Also please war Noops
  8. Idiot , this would cause an excess in tasers and everyone would roam vigi tasers
  9. did you just miss a shot and blame the server? yikes
  10. gonewild


    added ur discord
  11. selling 3x1.5m ea
  12. pm me SlyRz#5981 , also have some bw gear
  13. Okay but that’s like any investment, you have boomer prices
  14. Price history shows them going for 4-8m and selling on BM
  15. ill give you a kiss on the lips
  16. gonewild


    Bruh im like 99% sure that your for sale stock is fake as it doesn't ever change nor do you ever do sales why you even talking
  17. gonewild


    Noops on top
  18. Both listed for 3.5m
  19. still for sale, price obo on kav ones
  20. So your first video is legit 0 effort and stupid as fuck? Appeal your ban like a normal player would weirdo
  21. bump // kav listed for 5m
  22. still for sale
  23. Title
  24. Looking for offers rn, outside one has 5m offer currently
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