I'm not calling anyone out. I'm simply stating that feature is P2W. I've enjoyed my time on the server, but every time I see a hatchback sport I think to myself "No point in chasing that". All the other donator features don't give a noticeable advantage at all.
Defend it all you want, no sane person is bringing it off road to run from you. The acceleration on it will leave you in the dust in seconds. Depending on someone crashing it, or hoping a Corp. is online cop side isn't really justification. I don't care that it's donator only, but it is a P2W feature is all I'm saying.
It has over 100kmh on land vehicles, Brake correctly and its op as hell. Decent drivers will outrun anything short of a chopper. It's a huge advantage for donating 25$. Everything else isn't a big deal, but hatchback sport is.
I've never escorted a detainee through a firefight or purposefully used them as a shield (Kavala is Kavala). I simply think this is just going to cause new problems and slow down the flow of the game tremendously for those involved. Leaving things as they are and simply letting cops know its not ok to escort through a firefight fixes this problem.
Because this feature sounds horrible honestly. All it will do is basically instate the rule without writing it down since cops won't escort players out of the area if they can only move 1/3 speed.
And now civs have free reign to wreck the cops escorting since they literally cant kill the person being escorted.
Make a rule that cops cant escort a detainee out of the area until the situation is dealt with. Happened to me today, dude didnt even heal me, escorted me through fire to his car to drive me to HQ. I feel like making it a rule would be more beneficial. From my experience cops follow rules like this.
Was a good experience to get the opinions of the veteran players. One thing I would like to see managed better is the Current Topic. It did not change with the topic after APD handbook.
So every now and then this Spyglass thing pops up when I try to join the server. Is this some bug or do I need to reinstall ARMA or something? I don't run anything outside of the regular game. Any help would be appreciated.
75K+ are the bounties you can act upon.
An APD member can take the criminal and offer them to pay their ticket. If they refuse to pay the officer has to give them back.
Record it, put it on youtube or another streaming source that wont drop the video after a couple weeks.