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Everything posted by Forester

  1. cant argue with mental illness
  2. think you need to get a reality check and understand people are just better. dont get me wrong there's always cheaters but alot of the players you are accusing are just good and/or played alot. None of these clips are suspicious in any way shape or form its just good players fighting new players. Womp womp
  3. i ripped a hemmt box driving right at me with a mk1, get him fucking banned! PS. nina wid da nina is on fucking smoke
  4. Delete s3 s1 ftw

    1. sweater


      maybe people would play s3 if ESS wasnt teaming with KC for the entire duration of the conquest, thats just me though 

    2. Forester


      didnt post this for grown men to cry about shit

  5. instantly another retard to take sov's place
  6. this has to be a sign of some sort of mental issue
  7. amazing client mod crash every 30 seconds

    1. Grizzly


      I thought it was just me 

    2. -B-


      I haven't had any issues with it?

  8. 16k per
      • 1
      • Kreygasm
  9. i cant be king of casino on oly so i decided to get it irl image.png

  10. thats god mode you hit him like 8 times!
  11. browny drives a fiat 500

  12. i could stay banned forever, but you are still a virgin and will forever be one
  13. Yo this looks insane, id love to buy one if i was unbanned!
  14. the main reason i want to come back


  15. are you still banned

    1. grooovy


      yeah man over a year still no unban 

    2. Skys


      just admit to using woo software solutions 

    3. Lou844


      Same groovy no cap

  16. Monster loves cock

  17. grooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovy

    1. grooovy


      no way real forester im a big fan man 

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