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Everything posted by Shadexz

  1. u blind? the video right there lol stfu and stop being a snake
  2. than dont rob them and their planes Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  3. Stop acting like a saint lmfao your telling your fucking gang to rob airmen than rob airmen urself Add woo back Wednesday and @Skateezythis bitches gang to the campers. Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  4. I will personally donate this man 10m
  5. Hive doesn’t camp we are airmen silla keeps shooting us down tho
  6. If there was a sign that a player has less than 10 hours mb it would help
  7. Every day as I do my cartels and runs I watch newbies asking valid questions in side chat and they get flamed and shit on and they end up quitting before they even begin. This is a toxic community but it doesn’t have to be. All staff have to do is put rules in place that counteract it. Harassment rules etc. Put actual punishments in place to people who intentionally shit on people. I’m not saying completely remove shit talkin, it’s an important part but just being a dick to new players and normal players in general is unnecessary. Like I said it is as easy as putting simple restrictions in place and rules against flaming players and actually enforce them.
  8. What’s your guys specs and what FPS do you average? 5900x 3080 Vision crucial ballistic 64GB 3600 2 1Tb evo 890s Settings: High 5000 overall 3500 Object average 130 FPS
  9. Looking for help deciding what my org name should be
  10. Shadexz


    You see, this post is "funny' because of the fact regarding a comically large penguin holding a fishing rod, which does not compare to politics making this a "funny joke" ha ha ha
  11. Shadexz

    wtb warpoints

    Aight i'll hop on
  12. Shadexz

    wtb warpoints

    Alri I got a deal u can't passup 1 wp for 1mil not even cappin
  13. Shadexz


    2 in the morning last night the server capped at 139 players Ded af
  14. Shadexz


    "this was more of a personal thing to see where the community stands I wasn't saying go ahead and do a restart to clarify."
  15. Shadexz


    Also 5 years ago the server wasn't as poppin in terms of new players as it is now yea it would be annoying af to old players to loose all their money but it gives more reason to play other than just capping cartels. Arma 4 is most likely gonna come out within the next 5 years and the server is going to get boring af if the only thing to do is camp warzones sitting on 100s of millions. I have been here for a couple of months and just recently started using the forums and I don't know the full history of this subject this was more of a personal thing to see where the community stands I wasn't saying go ahead and do a restart to clarify. Making money is not the problem, having people with Mk200s at their disposal constantly camping process is the problem for newer players. The tables lean heavily for the people that have played for many years. I'm not saying it's hard for me, I personally have a decent bank. This is something I was thinkin about, I personally think their should be a player cap of like 40 in orgs.
  16. Shadexz


    part time
  17. Shadexz


    only physically
  18. Shadexz


    130 ppl on rn at 10 at night. Ded af
  19. Server Wide reset
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