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Lil Jewzie Vert

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About Lil Jewzie Vert

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    former teamplayers air support #1
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. update came out for the blue boxes that fixed it
  2. i started as a leader of jew you socially retarded cunt. i went from being a jewish extremist to joining 88 and MAKING MY PFP MOCK BIG JOHN youre retarded, suck on a 12 gauge until that bitch wanna start on yo ugly ass
  3. youre not just different but you go out of your way to try to be toxic to other people. you deserve it, you whatever the fuck you choose to be for the day, you 48 year old "woman" who doesnt know who they are as a person. thats why you clinch to this "community" as much as you do, your identity is wrapped in this. you supposedly quit months ago. so leave, you fat fucking wretched bitch of a wannabe woman. you trash on other people constantly, to the point that good people of this bullshit "community" have all come to the agreement on. this is a weird bitch, half of us will bully it, half of us will "support it" just so it gets bullied more. recognize youre actually a muppet. if i was in your gang i could stick my whole hand in your bussy and control you the way you try to control other people. Youre an idiot. leave this bullshit. grow up. find a woman or whatever the fuck youre interested in.
  4. we all know youre the one who bought it
  5. this is the man who carried the boats
  6. is that @ Angela talking if so whats up wit it baby
  7. hm for bananas?
  8. propaganda thats not your steam you retard bitch mongoloid
  9. what my dad isnt white what makes you think he has money lol, you seem like you got a bit of pent up anger, hope you get it figured out and stop playing 120hrs a week, but cheers ill have a beer to that
  10. orbit is pre-diabetic excuse his angry actions, skys is just gay you should blame everything on him
  11. an absolute legend, RIP Conner Neal, a lot of people have love for you. not religious but pray for everyone close to him. Charlie Sheen would be proud of him and his accomplishments with regards to intake rates of narcotics. All jokes aside I heard he was supposed to play on asylum tonight and hopefully oly. Heart broken is the best way to put it.
  12. +1 jsrs sound mod GAMING
  13. thank u for ur service i love u o7
  14. thank you for your service i will bully staff members in remembrance of you and everything you've done. nice cock btw socks on
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