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Everything posted by Moncler

  1. @Grim Khan look at this fuckin rat ahahahha
  2. Moncler


    im leader of grim you fuckin monkey aye but fr o7 drama you'll be missed bruh. Thanks for making Olympus more enjoyable for everyone.
  3. Moncler


    https://imgur.com/a/464lVex dogshit
  4. Moncler


    neck stupid ass kid
  5. I agree but on the other hand it was his choice to host this GW. The admins were unprepared and drama said fuck it and left 100+ players in the dark who had been waiting to play for 5+ hours. At least @D P took responsibility and saw it through.
  6. @coolbean mad
  7. ???????????????????????????
  8. blastcore on the beat
  9. BW 2-0d by Grim after a month of talking shit. Yikes.

  10. @xanx @Toasty https://imgur.com/a/FcEXkIE
  11. this edit is dope as fuck tbh
  12. ye i used to think you were cool until you said I was egotistical. lol
  13. youre not making it past BPM lol
  14. ikr hes a fuckin meme
  15. you literally got kicked cause you are a tool who makes memes about himself. Also 9lock said u were a fag and wanted you booted so idk bruh
  16. you got kicked lol
  17. does it make you insecure that you are the weak link in your roster?
  18. lol imagine calling someone a random on an Arma 3 roleplay forums actually neck please you're a waste of oxygen
  19. you go to cap and get 0 kills though
  20. uh huh
  21. ^^^^ lol
  22. wasnt leaders meeting supposed to be 40 mins ago?
  23. lol this is actually the most narcissistic post ive seen
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J3_y7KUH5s
  25. yikes? Difference between bots and grim lol
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