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ur moms gawk in the hawk

R&R Medic
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Everything posted by ur moms gawk in the hawk

  1. you have 11 grand to your name HAHAHAHA
  2. eat brown rocks youre a gimp you hush retard
  3. im the retard but ur broke ass doesnt wanna pay a listing or transfer fee HAH just get good at the game yawn
  4. transfer fee? yeah nice scam bud transfer fee? yeah nice scam bud put it on ah like every other normal person
  5. false accusations are wild. i can vouch. hush lil guy
  6. already bought it, gotta be quicker than that
  7. bro thinks hes gonna find a ghawk for less than 35 mill nowadays LOLOOL
  8. hatchbacks has 2, aegis guy has 1. quit capping.
  9. https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/1UaPN8yiTM1EM1/d13377H1Wkz3?invite=cr-MSxOUEMsMjA0NDUwMzk4LA
  10. https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/1UaNHU-pxfBZ3O/d1337DxQgbY9?invite=cr-MSx4Qm8sMjA0NDUwMzk4LA
  11. chief keef once said, i think my choppa gay i pulled him out the closet. Really makes you think man
  12. nah fr tho ill give 140 for all of them. youre not gonna get a better deal than that
  13. yo you shoulda said it haad full i didnt even kno that 89mill for the other 3
  14. YOURE a fucking moron why in the hell would someone pay 40mill a piece for 4 when they could just buy 4 seperate ones for 30mil each. YOU USE YOUR HEAD NUMB NUTS YOU AINT SELLING SHIT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA just because someone is buying more of the product, doesnt mean the price goes UP you dumb fuck arma has has planted a parasite in your brain
  15. you know the reason you buy in bulk is to get them a little cheaper. youre definitely banging tweak
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