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Everything posted by Blackout2991

  1. Did you try reporting them?
  2. Good riddance - you never missed an opportunity to abuse your power as much as you could, only to be covered by @ Winters Good to see you leave
  3. zombie is gay

  4. Very touching, Thank you Reskn for doing the mature thing.
  5. I will not tolerate this slander/libel towards @ -dante- delete this post
  6. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooo
  7. Best comment
  8. pm for more info
  9. explosives are already banned for police escorts. While I don't think RPGs should be banned at federal events, I don't think it is necessarily an unreasonable extension of the explosives ban. Also, bringing AT vehicles will add more risk, considering they're more expensive than RPGs, so if anything that is more preferred.
  10. .
  11. offers
  12. offers
  13. then don't be a cop + cry harder. APD is the biggest gang on the server, y'all make do just fine.
  14. get some wp then talk
  15. readd armor stacking!
  16. 8m
  17. Blackout2991


    ur discord isn't working for me
  18. yeah that's fair, but if people are donating enough for it to be supported then I don't see why not, at least make s2 the hybrid conquest/altis life server it used to be. When s2 was up before, it had a decent pop and s1 stayed pretty full even during normal school times, so I feel like that is enough to justify it.
  19. As nice as this is, you're ignoring the fact how full s1 gets in the evenings (U.S. timezones) and I'd rather just be able to join instead of spam joining in an attempt to join.
  20. Please and thank you. Instead of closing it again, just let it stay open with current time restrictions.
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