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Ricky Falzo

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Posts posted by Ricky Falzo

  1. 3 hours ago, doubleueyeceekay said:

    A man’s main job is also to reproduce but you just keep shooting your muck into your hand thinking about other men, you’ve had your mouth on more pipes than Ricky Falzo

    You do realise we all know you’ve also never been inside a gym before

    Sorry to break this to you, two men can’t have a baby together

    That made me laugh too hard ffs!

    PS when is the next Issue of this Newpaper coming out @ The Sovereign  , very informative I never knew @ WALT was a Ginger lol 

    • Love 1
  2. 21 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

    Big John definitely isn't a hacker.  He just spends a lot of money on expensive vehicles and kits and has been playing forever.  He is definitely a nazi though and an alleged pedo.

    Cant we forgive bigjohn for his harsh crimes, cant he be a free man once more... Cant nazis have a 2nd chance

  3. Cant sleep and tired of being a troll and smoking weed 

    Honestly Love music 

    You think aliens have music? I wonder what their instruments sounds like. do they even have ears to hear. Imagine not having the sense of sound [spiritually]  and not being able to hear....

    Oh wait that's most of the human population "select hearing" or they talk more through their ego then actually feed back .

    Go for a whole day and listing to people, you learn so much more . just say "Go on" also "and" include "Why" its simple


    I dont care if you question it but I was a mute for a year when I was 20. before I was controlled by the thought that I only matter and I was the center of the universe , high on my shit and delusions

    When I turn mute I notice alot of people were kind of the someway just all selfish pricks/bitch stuck on this thing we think its life and we see with our eyes that all their is in life  because we were raised to believe that we have limits and thats where they lie to you and they restrict you as a child from believing, just too give you a book and call it "Hard Facts" Historys not real , you weren't their to see it or experience it and if you travel back in time, you would have to be the only one if anybody else came then they make their truth their facts about what happen during that time, it can be a whole 360 from what you saw... so whos right?

    Its all made up ever heard "Everythings a Lie" cause it is. Sorry thats my truth , you can denied what I saw and that would be ur truth or your lie which ever way you want to put it


    The only advice and thing I think i know for certain with my lie is "believe" Maybe you can grow wings and fly or believe that you can shape metal with ur mind. Talk to someone with only ur mind



    Once its been heard its never the same again abit like music, but the vibes from music all seem to hit that same beat and feeling. where does that feeling come from? I dont think its from my mind

  4. 1 hour ago, Raquese said:

    I work a fulltime job and run my own side business. Some of us have to pay bills and can't sit on a fucking video game all day you fucking retard.  63 hours a week and you are still fucking bad.  Maybe you could afford a better pc and not play with 14 fps if you got a job, you fucking clown ass nigga. You are a horrible excuse as a man let alone a fucking human being, how does it feel to know you don't work and someone has to pay for you to be alive 🤡. Please do everyone a favor and go apply for some jobs instead of making shitty ideas for civ council. 

    Your cool budds, I hope your a homophob and your son turns out gay just so theirs a slight chance u can understand that people are different and have different live choices. Your raised by society's rules and conditions and what people see as the "Norm" Reality is YOUR A PUPPERT BREAK FREE FROM THE LIES. Like Why im a sweaty no life is because I live for freedom and what I want to do and currently its Altis Life. I dont want some idiot telling me Im wasting my life or some girlfriend to restrict me from gaming because in my eyes your the one wasting your life following the popular opinion or living with the "Norm" and worst your shunning people for the way "They Live"....Go find your self. 


    Iv only made one real player report and got someone banned, like it felt good in the moment but thinking about it now  but what I'm getting at I personally believe nobody deserves a perm because their can always be a work around. I also believe in 2nd chances but if you ruined that 2nd chance then yes go straight to jail no collecting 200hundred dollars. 

    • Weird 2
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  5. 27 minutes ago, reskn said:

    give me an offer

    Top it three mill nothing more because have you seen the recoil on that fucking thing, you cant hit anything thats more then 25meters away 

    like its only good if your taking out a mobile and not even a heli

    I know this from experience from vanilla arma

    And the only way to make it better if you have a Bipod and your mounted on a sweat spot. which in arma is very unlikely  

  6. 1 hour ago, anti said:

    You'll never get downvotes like me.  I have every advantage.

    I'm a chick, so that's a running start... and this server is filled with spergers that don't understand irony, and that's stacked with them all putting me into a box and assuming I'm a meme that doesn't understand irony.

    I can say anything, no matter how stupid, and 50% of the people on these forums will whole-heartedly believe it's 100% sincere. 

    Well im a Retarded methhead that failed English class on a forum filled with grammar nazis with small cocks so they must embrace their manhood somehow and in every situation Iv every been in I always come out wining like 80% of the time and most it aint skill its luck and people will just get more pissed of because im better and they know it and I give no fucks with most things so their puny words dont shape me because why would I GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT WHAT A FUCKING RETARD HUMAN HAS TO SAY TO ME. Im different and thats why ill get more downvotes....I mean overtime, not at the moment everbody thinks their being funny by getting my rep back up and I would say thats my plan all along to get my good rep back but that's not true either but last but not least. 

    I believe and call me crazy but I think......



    I think we're even lol @ anti

    Also the truth why my writing doesn't make a bit of sense sometimes is somewhat the drugs which makes me over look things, I have a bad habit of posting before I re read anything and if your every in the discord with me you'll hear how fast I type so I miss click or forget to put words into a sentence cause im on a roll 

    Also I Know what grammar is I just nothing bothered to put any effort in to it, like fuck society and its kinda of the way I talk in person just it makes more sense when someone actually talking then typing


    Lets eat grandma.....

    Lets eat , Grandma ! 

    I know why grammars important 

    Im very insecure if you wanna pick on me,

    Making fun of me for doing drugs make you the fucked up one 

    Being an addicted doesn't make you a monster or a criminal that's a choice. It makes you a victim to life being cruel and unfair 

    And calling me fat doesn't do shit all I.E Iv been surround by assholes my entire life. Iv kinda heard it all but I do crack up when I hear a good fat joke

    • Downvote 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Basiic said:

    Not explaining the reasoning David knows why. If you really want me to explain deat by deat join a voice channel or sum damn

    Hey if your inncocent then whats the issue telling all us the truth , you might be able to get this perm removed. not being a dick or anything just pointing that out

  8. Hey everybody

    A throwback for *BW* Booty Warriors. Best fraggers Iv ever served with 

    Me after Iv had 9 cans of Ravioli lol

    Really just wanna beat @ anti 's Bad rep. I WANNA BE THE WORST SO GET FUCKED AND DIE SLOW EVERYBODY


    PS.No body wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli hahahahaha

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