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Ray Sission

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Everything posted by Ray Sission

  1. Ray Sission

    wtb t5s

  2. Paying 220k each
  3. That is awesome man stay off my fucking thread
  4. Paying 400k per mx taser 200k per sting
  5. stay off my thread bum upgrades transfer if I transfer u gang ownership
  6. did you really just post a clip of you camping rebel you clown
  7. I will use a middleman of your choice (must be admin) Paying 350k per mx taser 150k per sting taser Send what u got
  8. Ray Sission

    wtb t5s

    user is a massive scammer beware
  9. My shed is at moonshine i can provide proof (screenshare) and will happily use an admin middleman of the buyers choice
  10. buy my gang shed 30mil location on the thread
  11. ah, so you finally admit you are friends with the guy you are spreading lies for. If you think I am a scammer please look at the proof provided the person accusing me (none)
  12. already said I would use a middleman... are you sped or just trying to get more forum posts?
  13. He probably gambled, gave it to a friend, bought some shit...
  14. I have decided to quit the moonshine game as I have made extreme wealth through farming. Due to my boredom with this gang shed I have decided to drop the opening bid to 35 million.
  15. Have you considered that owning one of the most profitible gang sheds on the server could result in those kinds of gains?
  16. I'm just bored of slaving on the moonshine grind
  17. Ask a staff to do that then if you are so sure they will do it for u
  18. He could have gambled, bought items, transferred money to his friend.
  19. Due to the recent controversy surrounding this gang shed, I feel it is necessary to mention that I am happy to use an Admin middleman of your choice to do this deal. I can also provide proof I own this gang shed.
  20. Please stop circulating lies. There is no proof I have scammed, nor will there ever be, as I didn't scam. If anyone is worried, I am HAPPY to use an ADMIN middleman (obviously I will confirm he is an admin first).
  21. I must also add that I will never gamble as I prefer to work hard for my money. I'm not sure why you "wouldn't trust [me] at all", when the only proof provided has been the word of two related trolls.
  22. I have been farming with my insanely profitable moonshine gang shed. Of course a member of the gang who owns the gang base sells the drugs as they get a 15% sell price bonus.
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