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Everything posted by Theo

  1. better yet, neither gang can get a gang base
  2. Does @ ben- get 2 because of his size?
  3. @ monster not quite 65 though is it...
  4. @ williamm commenting while in the middle of a bar in Cape Verde just so he has a chance at winning the Cyrus which will never see the light of day
  5. e9c190c775daf5af156e4b6f4a79281b.png

    some people on this forum need help, like, fast
    @ The Sovereign  Unfortunately for you I don't care about my online forum reputation 🤣

    1. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      You been doing this to me for quite some time lad.  If you dont want the downvote spam don't downvote spam?   Pretty simple.   

    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      You don't care about it but you  made a whole status update about it lmao. 

  6. You've made a post on a 10 year old game's forum asking random strangers on the internet who you get bullied by whether you should leave the server or not. You clearly lack so much attention that you feel the need so badly to get other peoples validation, idk whos having the incel rage fit...
  7. Do you want more attention or more attention?
  8. hiya! just come back to view a post about my FAVOURITE community manager
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