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R&R Medic
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CharlesDwitWit last won the day on October 4 2023

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About CharlesDwitWit

SWAT Member
  • Birthday 04/13/2006

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. That's what I'm lookin for, thank ya! Anyone else, keep em coming
  2. Heyo, so im sure many of you may not know me at all, but im in the mood to make a picture montage of random Olympus bullshittery. or at least attempt to. So if you anybody reading this in interested in any way, shoot me some random screenshots of bullshittery you may have (i.e. funny glitches, bugs, admins fuckin with the server or people, funny moments, whatever y'all want). If it pops off, hell yeah. If not? womp womp
  3. unfortunately we cannot give information on the current status of our Deputy Chief and Captain Xlax.
  4. Officers conducted a pursuit of the wanted individual later identified to be |Wraith| Raythiel. A well known criminal with a violent past. A repeat offender if you will. The pursuit lasted approximately 16 minutes as captain @ Xlax attempted multiple times to reach the speed demon. both myself and Deputy Chief @ Rexo assisted Xlax by providing overwatch. In the end, Raythiel succumbed to the pressing weight of the Altis Police Department and met his end in the forests near the Lithium mines. Raythiel is awaiting court proceedings for various crimes such as: Resisting arrest, Reckless driving, 1st degree murder, and misuse of emergency systems
  5. apologies for the horrible mic LMAO. Also a surprise guest at the end @ Decimus falling from the gates of heaven. He would've fallen straight into hell if Olympus Altis life hadn't been in the way :3
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