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Peanut Butter Jelly

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Everything posted by Peanut Butter Jelly

  1. What did the trans women say to the trans boi? LETS GO CHANGE TOGETHER AHAHHAHAHAHA
  2. Keep going with your 1 kill montages buddy ahhahaha maybe you'll go pro one day, and im not shitting on the fact he spent 1000$ good for him its just silly stay mad tho lil boi ahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhaha
  3. You've donated over 1000 to a video game ahhaha
  4. Fuck i shoud've maybe i would've received a slap on the wrist like that aegis guy lol
  5. And also fucking keep it civil lol cut the bullshit, there's obvious fucking favoritism going on, no one should be allowed to fucking slip by doesn't matter the situation. Duping is duping
  6. So what you're telling me is that exploiting/duping isn't a perm ban and the amount of quantity decides your ban? In my opinion doesn't matter how much was duped should be fully wiped and permed banned like the rest of us lol
  7. You gotta be braindead commenting without reading lol, if everyones getting banned/wiped but theres a few people in founders circle/aegis that apparently had "slightly malicious usage" fucking duping is duping and should all get same treatment fuck the special treatment lol. Gonna let someone slip by just cause they're in aegis/founder circle
  8. If thats the case you could check the date purchased/insured no?
  9. How can a "CANT INSURE THE GHAWK" then be fully insured? Fully agree with this, like I was saying unfair treatment. Intent is intent, doesn't matter how much was done.
  10. So where is the fair treatment in the fact that their is a Aegis member "slightly malicious usage" not being perm banned/fully wiped like the rest of us, just because they are in special gang doesn't mean they get special fucking privilege's. #AegiswIpe all should be treated fairly and same or else it's fucking favortism.
  11. Have you check his garage yet? It's fully insured
  12. So why is that singular AEGIS member not being perm banned? And also, aegis being filled with Staff allowing this to happen within their own gang? Seems to me like theres like of corruption coming out the entire aegis should be wiped same way you're going to every gang and just banning them without any association
  13. S So let's see the stats of greezy gabe scraping history hopefully not falsefied because he's a fouderscricle. And where is all the aegis members havent seen one wiped or banned yet? Lots over coverup this like 911 over again
  14. So what is he using to scrap then? Because revise saying he was scrapping ghawks lol
  15. I wonder whats gonna happen to Greezy Gabe founders circle donated over 1k$ USD and he was one of the first to start doing
  16. Both but wanna play Minecraft together we can kill the enderdragon and build a house in the mountains overlooking the ocean
  17. He's clearly busy playing minecraft, way more important than your rule breaking ah
  18. Wonder what excuses there is to tell someone that has been waiting hours to talk to someone who apparently is at work or a party but is actually at home playing minecraft
  19. Trust me I did, messaged every mod/admin i could on the forums most didn't reply, most told me they cant help have to wait for you.. Same with teamspeak, most didn't reply or told me same thing. Not sure why Has time to reply to posts and come in to check, but doesn't have time to to serve the community by helping people he banned and are waiting hours to speak to the banning mod/admin
  20. https://postimg.cc/gallery/C0Hj48c Legit had me waiting days to just speak to him.. Unprofessional as fuck https://postimg.cc/gallery/C0Hj48c Waited this time in teamspeak over 24hours waiting to just talk to him and not even show up when he said he would be on 12 and other staff said he would be on around 4-6pm seems like to me and other people this is something you do quite often? Not very professional and immature Ended up servingthe entire ban for something that could've simply been talked with another admin or mod or Brandyn himself to clearup And the fact you're telling other staff that you're going to make someone wait is some shit a immature mofo does because he has power over someone, seems to me like you're riding a power wave and hope that crashes soon and you get humbled..
  21. Think it's about time i post my evidence as well, seems Brandyn is always doing this people he doesn't like or legit just doesn't give a fuck to do his job
  22. Send offers, looking for above 20mil
  23. Wasn't my video
  24. My POV the idiot spangled himself, and you got to be some what stupid for stopping in front of a heavy car going full speed and expect him to turn or stop within in time. I killed him while spangled thinking he spangled himself it's like a 50/50 situation in my opinion
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