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Sweet Lou

Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Sweet Lou

  1. brandyn targeting me man its not cool, just cause i wanna play conquest
  2. i dont mean to be a dick but to be honest if i was staff and let people sit in a channel while i commented on their appeal like this i would honestly just quitimage.thumb.png.e26ad3984cc31bba422aa5dd74bc16a4.png

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Grizzly


      Wow @ Brandyn this is unacceptable behavior!!! what is Ryan paying you for anyway??? Its in the terms and agreements in fine print that you have to dedicate your life to Olympus! SMH 

    3. Hazardous


      ngl if you took the time to deepdive if he's online or not... you needed that break....

      don't let a computer status tell you if an individual is actually on or not

    4. Outcast


      Never really understood why any admin or mod couldn't just handle all ban appeals. Would make issues like this non-existent.

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