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Chunk last won the day on February 12 2024

Chunk had the most liked content!

About Chunk

  • Birthday 08/27/1998

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. Comment your fav pizza toppings in the comments!!


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      @ Milo ย this nigga always gotta make it gayย  bro


    3. Metal


      Bacon, Mushroom, Onion

    4. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Gotta go with the good old banana



  2. I offered @ Fraali truffle shuffle for unban, but no bueno IG...
  3. Lea

    Happy Birthday Chunkster!ย ๐Ÿง

  4. Kneepadding
  5. No, I dont play arma 60-80 hours a week like you so I can afford both
  6. Copium
  7. After all weve been through and I dont get a mention, kind of sad
  8. Why are you browsing the forums if itโ€™s such a garbage game that you donโ€™t play?
  9. Ye i misread, i shouldve replied to him not you. My bad. I just got to the part where youre saying that lol
  10. I was wrong about the length I thought my next was a PERM and it was NLR they're likely not to perm over that anyway. And yeah Walt had nothing to do with it, I went and sat TS and waited for the person who banned me, and explained why I thought it was ok and he explained the rule and I said it wont happen again and he unbanned me. Walt was literally on cap fighting when it happened and I came back and told him I got unbanned and he was shocked. Ask @ Marcus RN if @ WALT intervened. because he didnt... HE NEVER DOES, HE TELLS US WERE IDIOTS AND ALWAYS GET OURSELVES BANNED. You only know what you know from an outside perspective, none of you retards are there when Walt tells us that if he sees us break a rule he will ban us. Just like when XLAX permed Batcan... Break a rule in front of staff, expect consequences. asking for 200k comp in the first place is outrageous, personally i wouldve just reported if it were me. Why do you deserve 200k in your bank account when you didnt lose anything.
  11. Quite literally, when one of us breaks a rule, we explain to Walt the situation, and if he says oh you for sure broke a rule we either comp or expect a ban after the reports in. Walt has never once intervened to stop us from getting banned. I LITERALLY GOT A 14 DAY FROM BREAKING A RULE AGAINST YOU not even 2 weeks ago... If Walt was intervening I WOULDNT HAVE RECEIVED IT.
  12. You mean like that one time you were on Dildo? And you shot at us on horseshoe and banana and turned and ran down into East forest and Walt and I foot pushed you and found you within 30 seconds and you called @ WALT for staff ESP even though I found you, he just happened to kill you before I could get my gun out?
  13. I'm not disagreeing that their are plenty of kids spinning on Conquest, but I personally am not sure about @ monster I don't believe he is.
  14. I have a global ban on an old acct? Doesnt mean shit, mine came from cheating in Valorant, very known at the time i received the Global, no one cares, it was ages ago and it was false its happened to many people, battleye is aids...
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