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Everything posted by N9ne

  1. We are well aware.
  2. Great work, Dante/Shawn/Ticket Daddy/Olympus Cum Dumpster!
  3. Ye he would not mind, but my uncle might
  4. I would post mine here, but due to my anonymity, posting pictures of my tattoos may allow you all to find my Pornhub videos.
  5. shitty bike. shitty rider
  6. Please keep me updated on this! Really thrilling stuff
  7. "Give him some time to catch up, he is slow" - edited it for you
  8. Not upset, and I am a supporter of the Fredo cause as seen below. Just was providing some friendly banter as I know he is not bad at the game. I think the real culprit who has scraped by is @ Pigz The comment section provides too much content, can't remove it
  9. @ nicole and @ Big Boss Fredo - I think this needs to be settled in a friendly P07 1v1 event on the LMS island. Streamed by @ Scribble and bets can be placed
  10. Woah potential guys/girls, this post was supposed to be comedic friendly banter. Please refrain from the toxicity
  11. Am I supposed to shoot you with my hands? or maybe fist-fight? Pull out the ole helicopter cock and give er a swing?
  12. Unfortunately, I was required to downvote this post as it did not contain audio. Please ensure on your next clip that you include the audio in order to receive appropriate reacts. Kind Regards, Your Friendly Community Members
  13. @ Big Boss Fredo Is this one going in the montage?
  14. Which vests? *asking for a friend* Anyways, @ Fefe still 500k to bark for me?
  15. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Also, you all are welcome:
  16. You've got to know when to hold 'em
    Know when to fold 'em
    Know when to walk away
    And know when to run
    You never count your money
    When you're sittin' at the table
    There'll be time enough for countin'
    When the dealin's done

  17. Why is there a slo-mo ifrit going across my screen just to ensure the song is finished
  18. Ye man of course!
  19. N9ne

    wtb ifrit smoke

    Damn... I am styling in my T-Shirt
  20. N9ne

    Selling Gear

    Known scammer
  21. N9ne

    Buying granite T

    @ Fefe is a known scammer.
  22. Oh shit..... IT WASNT ANYONE I SWEAR @ ZimZim
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