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Everything posted by Kreidz

  1. Just applied for the APD... hope all goes well #fingersX'ed

    1. SPBojo


      Just know the rules and the handbook and you should be more than fine! :)

    2. mjmcfiva


      yeah i just applied as well

  2. Kreidz


    Hey Zippy, I run on server 3 its the first one i found so i just ran with it
  3. Kreidz


    Hey all, My real name is Rob but in game its Kreidz, You will usually hear or find me running mad weight in drugs and usually sticking to myself. Not big on running as a team but will be ready and willing to help players if they need it. I am probably a little known for being a tad sarcastic and cynical and don't really tolerate bullies or complete tards in game. If you see me cruising around Altis in my military truck with quite abit of... apples? In all seriousness If I'm in game hit me up if you need help or just want to chat KREIDZ
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