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JABROWNIE last won the day on February 6 2015

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  • Birthday 07/29/1989

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  1. First off Hades, I want to say thank you for responding with a logical and respectable response. Instead of being like Poseidon and bashing us in Side Chat on server one by calling us a cry babies (which i find very unprofessional.) Now about your 1st point (A) - I understand what you mean. I have said before in past posts that I have had hundreds of hours in Asylum so maybe I'm just a little used to them. But at the same time I'm still a little weary on the whole Island thing. About your second point (B) I can understand that but I believe there are a lot more cops and maybe that could be controlled now?... anyway, thanks for letting me know why you guys decided to go that route.
  2. Now hear me out boys & girl , give me a chance to explain myself. This isn't a "I quit, I'm a little bitch" post. It's just here to simply state my opinion on the new map update. I will list what I think they did right, and what they did wrong. Cartels: The Good: 1. Adding Cartels. 2. Timers are perfect. 15 to take over, and 15 to own. Flawless idea boys! 3. 10% commission. The Bad: 1. Put them on one Island. They should have examined the map more and actually looked at the maps landmarks and buildings to determine which locations would be best for each Cartel. They need to be more spread out and given realistic locations. 2. Too many cartels. Illegal goods like frogs, moonshine, and meth should NOT be owned by a cartel. Cocaine, marijuana, and Meth should be ran by Cartels. It just makes more sense realistically(but then again it's just a game!) Locations: The Good: 1. Us known bandits will actually have more for illegal money making seeing as how the red zones are close to each other. 2. Long distance to travel for legal goods. You wanna go legit eh, well you gotta earn it! 3. Gun Stores are now away from towns! GET FUCKED RDMERS! (yes that includes the bad seeds that were in [Tree]) The Bad: 1. With these Red Zones so close together and Cartels in one area, the server will be a fucking blood bath. A lot of new players will probably leave because they will not be able to hand the pressure of established gangs hunting them down. 2. Lazy asshole cry babies wont like the travel time required to do their legal processing. 3. Drug dealer locations need to be located inside of towns! This again is more realistic to me and it will make it harder for people to bring giant trucks into the dealer area(s). My Last Word: I don't mind the wipe. It makes the server feel fresh and keeps the fun going. Although I do not agreed with the map locations I guess it's something that I will need to get used to. Prices are close to perfect, red zones may be tempting now to newer players, and cops now actually have a chance to control the map. Devs, you guys did a decent job to an extent and I really hope you guys look into redoing some map locations. I feel like a lot of players will not return and newer players may be turned off by the current map locations. TL;DR - Server wipe not an issue, but the locations of certain areas are going to suck big time.
  3. So you never actually left... I feel like this is a cry for attention? I'll hold you in my arms bb
  4. So today while I was on the toilet relaxing, I was thinking about the Orca Color Options at the Insurance/Upgrade Vendor. Remembering back when I bought it, the original color was black, and it looked totally badass! I don't mind the other skins that are currenty available, but at the same time I would like to keep the original black color of the orca. So my question/favor is... Would the developers of the server mind putting an Original Skin(Black) option in the paint job pull down menu at the vendor, please? Thats all...um bye
  5. First day on this server I nearly made 1.2 Mill - from there it's been nothing but profit. Upgraded quad bikes + carryalls OP. Get dat rook and shoot every mufucka that tries sellin something.
  6. This is the first time I've actually TRIED to edit. Most of my videos are VERY quick edits. Thank you guys SO MUCH for the positive feed back! It means a ton!
  7. Edit: I usually try to do a strong Italian accent but it ends up just turning into a black mans voice. I fail ALL HAIL, THE GREAT TREE!
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