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Ivan Sidorenko

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Everything posted by Ivan Sidorenko

  1. 500k for both titans without rockets
  2. Lol all u have to give fedot a pdub and he's a ez kill/taze
  3. moob and his go-pro at it again
  4. And this is why I use OBS its way better if u know how to set it up right
  5. Fedot where's the salt for my popcorn.
  6. Backpack runs of moonshine, ez 125k in like 20 mins and people tend not to mess with u because you're in a crappy vehicle
  7. Lol I was chasing pink, devil, and Gary the other day. Devil and pink were in the ifrit and Gary was in a hatchback. As were going down the msr we see gary pull over and slow down. Then out of nowhere we going flying across the map and die.
  8. difference is that in real life you don't get your car/truck back after 10 mins
  9. If you're a donator, how do you upgrade the house's storage
  10. #blameARMA
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_h90TSJ-O8 funnest thing ever
  12. No wonder you have such little a amount of arrests.
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