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Everything posted by Franxx

  1. Selling villa 600m away from sofia rebel 2.5km from Mush pro has garage and y upgraded hmu w offers
  2. HMU if you have a 4c/5c in this area https://imgur.com/a/rRk940h
  3. @ Big Boss Fredo  You cant keep getting away w this shit man

  4. Franxx


    @ Mavrick list and ill buy it
  5. Franxx


    @ Mavrick 1500?
  6. hmu if you have offers
  7. Another DP3 2900 700 4c for sale hmu w offers nice meth house hard to find
  8. 4C Sold!!!! 3c behind the 4c still available
  9. too lazy to sell its gonna stay listed for 14.5 some ppl have alr msg'd me for images/proof so first come first serve itll sell within a week
  10. mb its not 6m its 4.76 but still price is firm
  11. has 6m of meth in it so 14.5 is a fair price
  12. Pictures from my windows https://imgur.com/a/jjtgbLu When they go to interact you can see their head and top torso for easy 1taps
  13. house is listed you can go and look yourself you have a view of the shed/dealer from the left and mid window
  14. Selling one 4c 125m away from kav drug (you can look into and see the npc from the 2nd floor window) fully upgraded 2900 500 and a 3c bungalow behind it fully upgraded for 4.5m
  15. hmu if u got anything cool to sell
  16. Staff kneepad warrior jk i wuv u dante
  17. if you have any of sovs old uniques or a unique near sofia hmu
  18. @ xsmitherz  cheating with 500 fps?


    1. xsmitherz


      500 fps couldnt save me

    2. Zeuse


      Bro thought he could out run FAC..

  19. literally what I said until I saw the dude drop from the heli from like 50+ M
  20. He killed when u pushed bc he probably runs max FOV so he can see behind the wall on both sides but I mean the whole jumping out 50m and not even legging urself or taking damage is def sus
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