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Everything posted by FluffyTEDDY

  1. I see your concern Bubbaloo, but sometimes there is just not enough time in the day to be able to play medic, just like you we have jobs and other chores to do besides playing Arma 3, for example i am going away this weekend and will therefor not be able to play before monday the earliest.. see my point? Not trying to start a flame, i understand your concern and agree that sometimes there is a shortage of medics online.. But also when there is 2 - 3 medics on duty they can cover the whole server and get all the request over with
  2. allright, i am off to play and stream some Mad Max on xbox one, come and say hello :) 



    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Enjoy Fluffy!!  Tell me if mad max was good!

    2. FluffyTEDDY



  3. Hell yeah Ace, bring back the good old days brother
  4. The dilemma in this situation was that i was told by MC not to revive someone at the same time as Titan told me to revive the same guy, so either way i would have died...
  5. True, but then again as Odin stated you are not allow to force a medic to revive someone...
  6. Updated sitation was MC told me not to revive T Corban, and then i recived a personal message from T Frost to revive Corban or die by T.. basicly the situation was weird and was starting to get annoying
  7. Sorry for your loss pinkstreak, i also know how it is to loose someone really close to you due to cancer, i lost my granfather a few years back and he was one my rocks here in life, he was everything to me and he passed away.. My thoughts and prayers goes to you and your family in theese hard times <3 Stay strong my friend, as i will stand strong with you
  8. Have fun Natsirt, you will be missed <3
  9. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family, may god give her strenght to keep fighting and may god give you and your family strength to support her for ever and allways.. May god be with you and your family and protect you from all harm and evil and guide you trough the tough time...
  10. That is where you are wrong, we do not wear vests... and you broke a server rule by killing the medic.. You can only kill medics in 3 RP situations.. 1: you tell us to not revive someone or die and we still do it. 2: Hostage situation. 3. Redzone.. so you RDM'ed a medic as well as a cop, woow, gotta say you are a really good player, i also would be a fantastic player if i did not follow the rules mate
  11. You still did not justify killing the medic, wich is against the great laws off Olympus unless RP'ed correctly
  12. Home after a few days away from home :) Now some Arma 3 medic life yo :D 

  13. I accidentally hit the guy yes, but never said he would be denied services, the guy who was ramming my offroad over and over again telling me he was standing still however got denied cause i was tired of him constantly ramming my car
  14. But all in all, i have learned so much from this post due to the comments from R&R cord and SR medics, like i said i did not know that it was okey to enter a redzone if the RP was good enough, that was told to me in a comment, so yeah, i have learned from this post and can take this with me to continue being a good medic, And yes, i used the rules yesterday cause like i said, i did not know if i was allowed to do it.. But all in all again, thanks for wise comments, i will take this with me and learn from it
  15. woow, the lie is real... I have not once said i am quiting the server while playing medic, so go fish with that lie, and not once have i said " HOLY HELL U R ONE RUDE FUCKER I WONT REVIVE YOU.. so you can go and fish with that lie as well!
  16. I have not been abusing my ability to deny people, nor will i ever do such things... I understand people getting mad when denied services when i am the only medic online. But comeone, i do not want to hear things like " fucking medic, do your fucking job now, i just died" in sidechat when there is 3 people requesting before you, or things like " i will report you if you do not revive my friends you fucking retarted medic" when i have been told not to revive you and there is 4 people with guns standing around your body... This is how you get denied services.. I do everything within RP so go ahead and report me if you feel i am abusing my ability to deny medical services, cause i am not abusing it, nor will i ever do that! I play medic for RP, and i DO NOT TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE, so spitting in my face and calling me a retard will get you a denial of services! And another thing, when this situation happened, i was alone on duty, had no SR medic with me that could tell me that if the RP was good enough it's okey for me to enter the redzone... How was i supposed to know that, when no one has ever told me that???? So yeah, i played by the rules on that one to be safe
  17. Both Tman and Jorbis are amazing, and considered two of my friends here in the olympus community
  18. i do not make the rules, i follow them
  19. like i said, i am not going to break any rules just cause it is good RP, i do not wanna get in troubble.. so i am sorry that you feel that i am not following good RP, i would rather follow the rules and be safe then to get in troubble for breaking them due to good RP
  20. to blow off some steam...!
  21. Today i had an ecounter with the gang NW.. I revived one of them and was told to put my hands up cause he needed his friends revived.. However he did not have any zipties but still tried to RP within reason to get me to walk into the redzone... LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT... I don't give a rats ass if it's fail RP of me to not obey that, i am not, at any circomstance gonna break medic rules, even when RP'ed... I am not gonna break Medic rules for anyone.. Have i made myself clear on that? No zipties, no hostage!
  22. Stream is liv.  Twitch.TV/fluffyteddyen 

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      That's awesome Fluffy. I didn't know you streamed. I'll subscribe right now! ( If my crappy cell phone reception inside my office permits it ) 

    2. FluffyTEDDY


      i stream from my xbox one a few times a week, at least i try to do so :) 

  23. I am streaming from my XBOX 1, http://www.twitch.tv/fluffyteddyen

    1. FluffyTEDDY


      Stream is live again, it shuts down every time i change games

    2. SPBojo


      Norwegian stream or riot o.o



    3. FluffyTEDDY


      i am going to stream today as well from my xbox one, will tell you when i go live... i will be streaming in both Norwegian and english, so hang in there guys :) 

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