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Everything posted by Jimothy Phillips
I met this player when I were playing arma around 2016 this man has stuck in my memory ever since with his hilarious music video ! I watched this guy on twitch he was a happy fella must have been in 40's but truly new how to roleplay haha.. great to see this guy boot his PC up again. ' i picked a peach a from a tree.. one for you one for me' ' i still cant find my way ' 'where the fucks kavala? darling' resembles the noob everyone started at... ive never played dogshit server being reffered in this video and no not believe it runs.
- 3
believe this guy would go 100-0 in a KOTH server anyone else been killed from almost outta nowhere by this player? https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/ie4a7EefZoK-JPZFd/d13377S09AWt?invite=cr-MSxlcXYsMjQxMjE3NzcyLA
Everything is going for the right price
Jimothy Phillips replied to ZeroBlade 's topic in Marketplace
.50 BW caseless mag price? i want them -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
no im banned for something thats not written on server rules... if it was youd be able to be half helpful and copy and paste that for me... you can't but instead of doing anything you're defensive ?? i understand this staff team doesn't have the best of peoples skills and are very one sided when it comes to decisions... whats next a perma ban because I was so annoyed about a miss ban?? wouldn't suprise me. I imagine you are like APD yelly fish in game and enjoy making dinosaur sounds for comedic value.. i dont know why someone like you gets to get under my skin for a miss ban. If i ever find you in game you gonna get some serious shit "in roleplay" for your treatment i received . -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
How have you managed to contradict yourself so badly??? do i not state that im sure he's agreeing? thanks for the un helpful reply which makes you look a fool and not looking into the fact someones fail rp has ending up me being banned... -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Do I want to play a server that bans me un fairly?? no.. Will i play this server again due to lack of choice? OFC!!! -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
@ -Shawn- patiently waiting for an unban. can you help me find out who restrained me? if you look at the clip someone has to suffer for fail rp! I don't understand what you're saying??? changed to the nonbrainded take that sounds to crazy for me to understand? but i think you agree someone being restrained is engagement? -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
your boy earned himself a report!... thats his video... At the start of this video Jimothy phillips says in chat: Thx for leaving me in restraints.... {me alleging fail RP} they respond telling me they are coming... What they should have done.. was unrestrain me or take me with them after I say no to a lethal. what they do and this video proves... which is Not fix auto run bug which slowed characters sprint animation. and went AFK to avoid the long wait himself this is proved by the running in the wall with a 1.5m loadout. and coming at this with another thought... I WAS RESTRAINED.... this would have been minutes after i was auto unrestrained and thats why Im still in the area... enjoy report for fail RP @ CoolKiller -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
I was not unrestrained. I was lockpicked. -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Hey just as I said... I was left and he's admitting rule breaks you can't just restrain someone to be left... which is what you did jackass and just said if it was up to you you'd do again... @ -Shawn- Its trolls like this guy that put me in situations like this and hasn't read server rules himself or he'd know not to restrain and leave. @ -Shawn- Poor guy hasn't read the thread either and as I said would have shot if still restrained... I told you i can bait people very easily with this... cause at least 5 rdm bans a day in my opinion. @ CoolKiller Someone with reading and writing skills of yours shouldn't be calling others retarded get ready to set yourself up for a butt hurt future!... im back in 2 days remember! -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
id love to see a clip of you unrestraining skelly and me shooting your friend 5 minutes later as this certainly did not happen. We had lois, wang, jimothy at salt flats... skelly was somewhere else at the time mate... he been let go less then 2 minutes and so we decided it wasn't RDM. However you can believe what you like... i know for a fact if i had your boy in restraints youd have shot me... weather you wont now because of this report is a different story but you are part of the problem.. reporting people when you lose with a 5 min clip of the guy i killed as if gang initiation isnt a thing.... goodbye i do not speak to your kind... (kind = stupid) changing the story cuz you a fking idiot and can't remember what happened more like. either way im banned for a server opionion on being in restraints not counting as hostile... something which is argueable... if you feel like the winner then fuck you ! -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Inititation when having a gang member captive is just an altis life norm for me since 2018. sad to see how the times change. and how obviously unclear its written.. could add something so simple to state this... make me feel like ive not read the rules mate.. i wouldnt RDM on purpose... sad to see 30% server banned when i get mass reports coming for this rulebreak. I was in support lastnight and got a 5050 on longtime players that would have shot in my position.. You know them audit videos... youve caused the anger in me to audit this server and see how many i could report in 7days using these hidden rules... id re write rules cuz soon itl be messy with players appealing and all imma do is show my 5 min clip of me getting RDMd... and they can deal with the frustration of killing someone with REV tags because theyre friend told them to because they couldn't take the 15 minute driving torture... its almost a troll but is it a troll when its a server norm for these players to not shoot me??? they should all know surely and ill have no reports coming in.... doubt it. -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
So you don't believe someone should receive a 2day for something not stated in the rules... Killing or tazing another player without any role-play will result in administrative action. If you have been fired at, returning fire is permitted. If someone commits a direct hostile action to you, you may kill them. Example: Lockpicking/stealing your vehicle, rotor tapping, bolt cutting, active APD warrants, APD house raids/searches, shooting you with a flare gun, physically interacting with your hostages. Example: Being armed/pointing a gun in your general direction and/or verbally insulting are NOT considered hostile actions, neither is ramming/running over someone whether or not you believe it is intentional. If the words stated in red was removed.. especially the last part.. id accept my ban. but miss banning me just causes me to be angry about something that shouldnt be a thing. Jimothy Phillips plays by altis life rules !!!! got like 20disputes never been banned by a dispute. -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
unless the restrains are fluffy and for sexual intetions (consensual in which using a gun is not) then being in restraints is hostile.... google hostile. Example: Lockpicking/stealing your vehicle, rotor tapping, bolt cutting, active APD warrants, APD house raids/searches, shooting you with a flare gun, physically interacting with your hostages. <<< FROM THE RULES PAGE... EXAMPLE IS INTERACTING WITH RESTRAINED PLAYER NOT THE PROCESS OF RESTRAINING... thanks shaun for not helping so far.. i dunno how to change your mind if you wont read what im saying. -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
@ -Shawn- If I had decency I wouldn't tell banned players that, 'thats a server rule' then fail to quote server rule.... and i have a server rule which is written and contradicts what youre saying... But its not on the website official altis life rules? Just please confirm shaun.. I've been banned for a server opinion... not something which is stated in the server rules. -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
cool killer... everything you said was wrong... i was their left their and was unrestrained by a seperate gang member... i knew youd be back and so waited to kill you... skelly on discord was confirming at the time he was still in restraints. -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
@ Community Director Sov Apparently there's been other new rules added that almost nobody has been told about. Apparently you're no longer allowed to ever suivest cops at all unless they engage on you first. Incredibly stupid. Also, apparently, if cops have someone in custody for 5 mins, their group is no longer engaged with apd and have to engage again. APD sneaking a lot of ninja rules in to just ban people arbitrarily. All this needs rolled back. Suivests cost 600k. Cop kits are free. There is no reason to be giving them t his much of an advantage and making them completely immune to suivests. Civs need to be getting angry about this type of secret rule additions tbh. Last mention of the word 5 mins on the forum for close to 3 months.......... Also it wasn't APD its -RAR- gang. sorry to say but just because you mentioned it on a forum how would i know this? these sneak rules are still getting people months later i took that last comment from -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
@ Soverign You're saying im banned from a rule change less then 4 weeks ago which isnt actually in writing... but if you read the rules as of today its correct... as i said the server pop will take toll when bait people to get this changed.... ALTIS LIFE RULES ARE ALTIS life rules you can't change them because of salty people.... especially somehthing about RDM without it in writing... IVE PROVED MY INNOCENCE -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
The RP window is 5 minutes so abide by this in regards to situations such as shooting, logging out, storing vehicles, ect. This should be 5 minutes after gang member being released from restraints or being sent to jail. -
Keeping people in restraints isnt initiation anymore!!!
Jimothy Phillips replied to Jimothy Phillips 's topic in General Chit-Chat
as i said ill be putting this to the test thursday when im unbanned... I can imagine Id be making a few reports daily @ Community Director Sov this is actually wrote down somewhere? I tried CTRL F for this but couldn't see anywhere that having someone in restraints isnt initiation... whats next??? lockpicking doesnt count either... fuck that rule rules are meant to be followed to maximize fun.. but thats BS i can only imagine the amount of salty APD that have reported people camping them at the station to have this rule implemented -
So -rar- coolkiller had REV skelly in restraints.. jim phillips kills another -rar- member at the same time this is happening... im banned 12 hours later with no way to record my pov of gang mate being in restraints but my dispute has the guy admit he knew he had a friend that was holding my friend in cuffs. so i want to know how everyone else stands on this as i do think its a mistake nobody wants to accept. (example) APD have you friends in restraints and taking them back into custody, 6mins has passed since the APD restrained your gang mate and youve been following the cop car the whole way.. you are not initiated anymore (apparently) This will work both ways.. it leaves vulnerability for me to example taze -rar- member, and not remove his comms... drive -rar- member around for 15 minutes while telling him how much of an ass he is.... next step would be for other players to drive round the map looking for other -rar- members who will fool well shoot when told their friends shouts they are restrained down discord... server rules for RDM in my opinion states i should be unbanned. If someone commits a direct hostile action to you, you may kill them. Example: Lockpicking/stealing your vehicle, rotor tapping, bolt cutting, active APD warrants, APD house raids/searches, shooting you with a flare gun, physically interacting with your hostages. Example: Being armed/pointing a gun in your general direction and/or verbally insulting are NOT considered hostile actions, neither is ramming/running over someone whether or not you believe it is intentional. In my opinion restraints is a hostile action and when that hostile action is over you should set an f5 timer and thats when initiation should end... If anything after the first 5mins of me having -rar- member it should now be 1 way initiation for -rar- to find me and save their member for the other 15 mins... (5min overrun after i unrestrain) ... people thinking this shoudlnt be one way in my opinion have not read whats underlined and have not asked themselves if being sat in a car in restrains is hostile action enough for them,.. either way I do not deserve ban and most server would shoot in my position.. im back wednseday and its just a warning for people... if 6 minutes has passed and i restrain your boys if you kill me youre getting reported... i know it shouldnt be like this but i can't get banned myself then let everyone else do this against me.. server rules also specify interacting with hostages. so unban me and ill be thankful.. Would 100% love a senior admin to finalise how they want [A] gang to re initiate on [B] gang whilst [B] have [A] member in restraints... and also why they feel this isnt a reason to say its an active engagement already.
I'm not a beggar. But for 10mill Id do anything.