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About Leviathan

  • Birthday August 15

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  • Olympus Gang
    Meat Stick
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Criminal (2/7)



  1. o7 Good to be back
  2. You keep throwing IRL insults at me, where there is no space for any. I have refrained from using personal insults and I suggest you do, too. You have no idea about my situation, or about what is going on in my RL. You make up shit for gossip and try to pass it for truth. That's okay if you are doing it IG but when it comes to RL it shows bad taste and a lack of manners. You keep trying to deflect fault, when in fact, you just simply fucked up. And your whole spiel about Oly + members who shouldn't be banned cause it's a scam? Well, I pay for Oly+. That doesn't make me special. I expect to be banned when I fuck up. I expect to be treated like any other player on this server. I don't expect everything to go in my favour every time. Stop acting so entitled and if you want people to believe you, bring forward proof. And just for a comparison. I fail titaned someone. I thought they moved away but was wrong in my perception. I got disputed, checked my video, admitted fault, and paid a 3mil comp. I apologized. If I had been banned, I would've been okay with it because I did fuck up. A lot can be easily fixed by being a decent human being and not an entitled, attention-seeking brat. Just saying.
  3. A whole lot of accusations with a whole lot of "no evidence" and a few pinches of movie commentary in between.
  4. My initiation messages: For vehicle: Stop the vehicle, get out, and put your hands up or be shot. Heli type 1: Put your helicopter in autohover and land, or be titaned. Heli type 2: AUTOHOVER IN PLACE FOR 5 MINUTES OR BE TITANED. Person: Hands up or be shot. Planes: Don't have one, I don't fuck with planes. Their initiation message: "Put your hands up. If in a plane text back ok that you will comply then fly in tight circles and dont leave the area. If youre in a heli autohover in place lock your doors and keep them locked await further instruction. Ground units get out and put your hands up. Failure to do so may result in you being tazed killed or titaned by The C.T.F"
  5. I have faced similar issues many times. The difference between you and I, is that I deal with the issues on my own, and definitely don't ask anyone else to step in on my behalf. I always act in a friendly manner, no matter how pissed off I may really be, because I know, that if I stomp my feet and yell nothing will change. The same can't be said about you. You rely on the fact that most people walk on eggshells around you and don't want to get into a confrontation because their nerves and mental health matter more to them, than someone on a game acting like a child, over pixel items going missing. Your opinion on what happened is irrelevant. There are facts. If this was anyone else, they wouldn't have been given such leeway. The fact is you acted completely inadequately and childishly and caused grief for multiple people who had to endure this. You keep trying to justify it, but the truth is, there is nothing that can justify ANYONE over 20 acting this way. You tried to bend the facts in your favour. First, it was a fail raid. When you saw that this wasn't it, it was 10 cops apparently camping you for 10 minutes straight waiting for you to slip up and give them PC while there were other events going on. Guess what? I was on during that time. Saw the raid while flying over. No events had been happening for a while, apart from one bank that if I remember correctly was dealt with quite swiftly. After all of that fact bending failed, you resorted to crying about time wasted, when the only person who was the reason for time wasted was you. You could've ended it so quickly, but you decided to be a stubborn child for "the principle". Your time? What about the time of the admins you wasted? What about the time of the supposed 10 cops that you wasted? Or is it just you here and we have to bow down to you and deal with every one of your whims? You reap what you sow. There are consequences to every action. You cannot just keep getting away with shit behavior because of who you are. (BTW I have played here since 2017 (Correction, I apparently joined for the first time in 2015 though probably only played sporadically then). These "issues" you speak of have affected me for years before "Your royal highness" showed up. I have always tried to handle them gracefully and if I've thought that wrongdoing has been committed, I have reported it, and sooner or later action has been taken or I have been told exactly why action wasn't taken. Back in 2017 there was no leeway for rebels like there is now. And guess what? We were fine. We survived. We had a shit ton of fun. So shove that "welfare queen" shit back up your ass where you pulled it out of. The only "welfare queen" here is you.)
  6. I cannot believe that the admins will allow such toxicity on this server. It is absolutely clear that this person creates more drama and issues, where there aren't any. I've been in handcuffs for longer than 30 minutes multiple times, when fights have broken out, or when other things have transpired and the cops have been busy. Guess what? No complaints, I deal with it, and usually the cops are chill, cut a break, apologize, and we all go on our merry ways, without someone having a hissy fit, over a god damned game. On what world is it okay for someone calling themselves a community director to behave in a way a 7 year old child would? In my opinion, not only do you not deserve this title, you deserve to be banned for a day at least for refusing to help in the solution of said bug, and thus holding up multiple people for longer time. I don't think any of them enjoyed being around you for this long, if you think otherwise, you are quite delusional. You were quite literally the reason you stayed there that long. It's on you and nobody else. If you thought there was wrongdoing, all you had to do is shut that big mouth, let the situation pass, submit IA reports, comp requests, and let it play out, just like the rest of us would have had to do. I came back just over a month and a half ago after a few year break, and honestly, anything that I have heard, that has included you in any way shape or form has been wildly negative and filled with drama. I can definitely see why. It has caused me, and I am sure many others, to harbor a dislike towards you.
  7. Not mad at all, actually, I am mildly amused over how persistent you are. Just let it go, dude, nobody cares.
  8. Or maybe your allegations are absolutely ridiculous and that's the reason why. If you have nothing more to say but bitch about a non-existent scam, leave the thread.
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