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About Cleve

  • Birthday 10/16/1998

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  1. Cleve


    Yea thats what its all about.
  2. Cleve


    I wonder what it is now with all the new gangs
  3. Cleve


  4. So as a new member of the APD I had plenty of fun, except for the fact that every time I patrol Kavala, hell brakes lose. RDMERS, VDMERS, and a bunch of overall pricks not willing to RP or be nice about what was happening. Although Kavala was bad, I will say i had fun and that all in all we gained some nice players also. So I hope Olympus stays fun as it is. Also I wanna say thanks to all the cops that played with me and were very nice. And Lonnie and Lincoln Williams, I will say that your protest about coffee and donuts was very nice, and i believe in it.
  5. Oh Well its all gucci
  6. There will be a slight chance of rage quit, and raining quad bikes. Also please be on the lookout for a storm of rdm's and high-pitched squeakers.
  7. Is there a free SUCKIE-SUCKIE in the process....hmmmmmmmmmmmm
  8. Cleve


    So in my opinion there has always been at least 1 gang you could consider as the best of the time. So who do you think is really the overall alpha Gang. Ex. MC, MW, TOG, or any other big gang. So plz tell me who you think is the overall alpha gang and why.
  9. Cleve


    I have one simple question, and all I want in return is a name. Who is the king of the forums?
  10. Ya man, the forums is really getting quite big.
  11. Reporter Dildo Ranchero: So what happened to crook I remember them being the powerhouse of the server. Fighting with MC and robbing fellow do-gooders for no reason, but one day they just banished.
  12. lol, just some forum controversy
  13. lol depends on your own personal opinion
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