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Everything posted by Heisnberg

  1. Baba , you are the boss @ Senior Admin Masonn
  3. bro is this shit @ Type03 talk again ???? lol @ Baba El Chavo bro i wiped all nypd ass hhhhhhhh. i get 325 WP in 1 day broooo i was 13vs1 i killed 8 of them i have clip bro HS is shit
  4. Player has been dealt with the appropriate administrative action. Please be sure to leave any proof you have submitted up for at least 2 weeks in case we need it for further review. Thank you for the report. If you have lost anything due to this rule break please submit a separate compensation request referencing this ticket for proper compensation on this matter.
  5. we will miss u for 7 days xd @ Blakem25
  6. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  7. Players online 163 LoL ..... Is dying?
  8. Gj bro , thats was 1 shot , kill this bitch
  9. @ xsmitherz baby reindeer sent from my iphone and the best @ -dante- @ Xlax and fuck you @ Brandyn
  10. We've talked about this before. The senior admins thought it only happened to us * Dever ) , but in reality it happens to all players on the server. There is tolerance from some corrupt admins towards their friends. @ -dante- @ Xlax the best and fuck you @ Brandyn
  11. come suck my dick . u will take the ban bitch trust me
  12. BRO, he RDM me . code 3 without vision one me. i was like 3 blocks away ,. he need to engaged me first . that not the problem here . These arguments that i lockpicked his car @@ . like broooooooo he did not see me!~!!!!!!!! if he saw me ,yes thats not RDM . he did not was in the area when i did lockpick his shit
  13. yes i agree, but he need to see me first. or i am wrong ? i am sure u did not read what i write up there
  14. JUST RECORDING THE SCREEN . Because one time they accused me of faking the video hahahahaha
  15. Broooooooooooooo hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I didn't know the server had evolved this much. Everyone gets notified if their car gets lockpicked ? even if farther away from you than 7 streets ? he did not even see me when i lockpicked his car . he was not even 300 m from me but next time . if i RDM some one. so maybe he was lockpicked my car i dont know These stupid arguments of yours so that you don't ban your gay boyfriend is shit , same your face xd Sorry for these words. But people like you are not worthy of being talked to kindly. Just say to me you don't want ban him . and we done . no need to show up like stupid admin
  16. this why you are kurdish , cus you have big head like them
  17. i am from Germany you idiot @@ .
  18. I am german , Ich fick dich bis zum Knie
  19. That exactly what I said, I said is no fair to report with no comp, he told me he can. Report you with no comp. And I said I will comp him whatever he want. I said is bullshit so everyone I report him I will not ask for comp let me see how this dumb rules no comp will be
  20. TAHTS is the fucken point of this report,. cus i told the admin before 4 weeks . all the time the players report me with no comp. let me comp him waht ever he want and that waht he say to me .
  21. 224216 Responses You Account Owner 23 hours ago Kaotic Staff Rate this response 21 hours ago This report has been acknowledged and we are looking into the matter. This report will be placed on hold until we can reach a conclusion in our investigation. Thank you for your patience. Brandyn Staff You've rated this response 4 hours ago It has been determined that the officer(s) involved have not violated any part of the Server Rules or APD Handbook and no rules have been broken here. If you feel that this is incorrect, please reference the server rules and the APD Handbook before contacting a Senior APD or Staff member about this issue. It does appear that the officer shoots you after the engagement happens. However, this doesn't appear to be intentional and the officer did compensate you 350k which was a lot more than what your current kit was even worth. Due keep in mind, Disputes are used to resolve situations before leading up to a report. Saying "no comp" in a dispute is irrelevant. However, in some other situations a dispute is not needed (Racism, Intentionally abusing the rules) Overall, this was a accident and I'm not gonna fault the officer for shooting you seconds past the engagement when he comped you 350k Brandyn is big rat for NM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and this dispute before 4 weeks . i get report and no comp and i get ban -PAID- MadX * created a new dispute 0 minutes later rdm no comp ------------------------------------------------------------------\ Status Unbanned Placed 18 November 2024 at 16:21 GMT-4 (1 month ago) Expires 21 November 2024 at 16:21 GMT-4 (1 month ago) Reason RDM/Fail Rp - Heisenberg - 3d - Brandyn (Remaining: 0d) Disputes #217373#217373#217372#217372 Notes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiuKYxlJoY0&t=62s&ab_channel=Mad_Xjawz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSbVZQUwFss&ab_channel=Gamingforlife imagine i get ban for 3 days and he no ask for comp. but when i report some one and no need comp. he dont ban him
  23. @Fraali : It seems more of a case between them exploiting a bug vs coming across it by chance @ Grandma Gary @ Ryan bla bla bla bla Same scenario every time bla bla bla . hahaha it is not by chance . cus you see him when he in air ., he shoting . cus he know he will not die . and how the fuck he know where is the enemy player if he just arrived he out from heli and he start shooting .
  24. i get . RDM. for 18 sc late for rdm. and no comp need . and on sever time show was 5 min ., xd and i get F.rp for clip 14 second and is my own clip xd
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