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Everything posted by CarterFromTha7

  1. 7.2m Just lmk when to log on and I'll take care of you.
  2. Y everyone look at my profile it's not even popping yet 

  3. My New Years resolution is to never see another ban on Olympus Mecca Entertainment

    1. Bobby El Churro
    2. CarterFromTha7


      Nah It was really exploiting. We could get you boys for lag switching next

  4. "That has got to be illegal!" - Friend The Xsmitherz I know wouldn't stand for this
  5. Is someone who's Perm'd able to attend? Asking for a friend
  6. The tongue: The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. - Google
  7. I can't wait to play OlympusMeccaEntertainment again!

  8. It is in times like this we must ask ourselves. What would Rick Ross do.. ? 

  9. @ GG pls provide me Oly Mecca Entertainment name tag of either ~Mayor of Kavala~ or ~Community N word empathizer~ 

    I would pay good Olybucks to make this change effective immediately. Please make Carter's name tag great again! 


  10. I hope everyone got a second to vote Blue today. Your voice matters! 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Toretto


      Oh ok bro was trolling

    3. MAV


      can't wait to replace this meme tomorrow... right let me down with bad content the last 4 years...


    4. CarterFromTha7


      We took this one again! Good job everyone and thank you for pulling through today. It was a rough one but we did it again. #KAMALABLUENOREDFUCKPAID | This is a proud day in American history 

  11. Get yourself one of the best lucrative fighting locations in our universe. Perfect for those large groups looking to Pack-a-Punch! Hit me up on Dc or in-game to acquire this gem today!
  12. What did this sell for ?
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