Ok, i don't know for some but this is from my personal experience as playing civ since the wipe,
I've come to conclusion since that we have been asked or trained to try and use the tilde key to a minimum as an APD officer to try and make the server more lifelike, i have noticed that probably 80-90% of APD will no longer want to RP as its is a lot harder to catch and arrest high bounty criminals,
you find it a lot harder to receive a pardon even if your stood there for a solid 30 minutes RP'ing the shit out of a story made up, I think the reason is its because they know they are not going be able to catch another high bounty criminal for another server reset at least so they need to get as much money as they can from you who's being detained,
Not only is it harder to try and RP your way out but a lot of the force also realize they are only going to get 40% out of you if you refuse the ticket which again makes it harder for them to gain money that's why they'll just pretty much robocop you and move on.
i do feel that pre-wipe did have a lot more RP involved and ive asked around and a few have agreed, i think the reason pre-wipe there was more RP involved was for the fact they could give you a pardon walk outside the HQ and literally tilde another guy and pick him up, before the wipe they also new whether or not you paid the ticket they'd get full bounty price if they ended up sending you to prison.
Dont be hostile about this post or be offended but these are just my opinions that's all, I'd also like to read as to what some of civ's and APD officers also think so feel free to comment back.
Bring back Virus and this Tilde key <3 and Tildering 1k bounty's
[MC] GaFSki aka Officer GaFSki.