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Everything posted by Gafski

  1. i run that when not recording either, But ive upgraded PC now and run solid 60-80FPS so its all good now
  2. Lol Rogue, you know im just a basic Windows 98 guy ;P
  3. Ok so seeing as ill be on server 2 for a while im going to be selling my house and garage in DP23 on server 1, Any offers??
  4. The one Im selling is server 2.
  5. I have a Kavala scat house that over looks the kavala square with a beautiful balcony to hit those rook one taps Any offers, Let me know.
  6. You can get a cracked copy of vegas from a group called KGB Team i believe, Quite a hard program to use and get to grips with
  7. Thats because you're Natshit.
  8. I think someone needs to sign this guy up before he's to old, do you agree guys
  9. Ok, Not many off you guys new RogueMK and I have known him since joining [MC] he is actually a down to earth great lad but recently he received a perm ban for naughty things he did and admitted to and regret doing. Now for the people that did now him I just thought id do a poll to see what other people think about it, also to see if it would be worth appealing it, This isn't something we've all spoke about its just something that i thought about a few times now. So lets see what the community thinks. http://strawpoll.me/4902637
  10. Tbh didn't know you guys, But i hear you had more than enough chances and been perm'd plenty off time's so why should you be privileged to be given another chance just for when you get bored or you ''BOTH'' think your leaving the server for good because you thin your better than this just to go out your way to get permed again. I could name a few people who i think deserve a chance over someone that went out there way to get banned and also you two to be un-permed would just open the doors for others to appeal and use you as an example to be un-permed, But that's my opinion.
  11. I don't really care about weather or not it gets locked, ive been on the server like twice in 5 days, just showing this because i showing everyone the exploiters.
  12. I like the fact warfare said i exploited wall with my gun pointing through even though i didn't and 2 admins watched the whole video i sent them, But apparently it must be ok for his members of his gang to be able to do it - http://imgur.com/J9zoIlT GGs.
  13. As i spoken to a higher up for you to watch someone pull a car out of the garage and to run the reg for the bounty, as the higher up said there was no reason for you to do so. There was no salt asoon as you partner logged of you wired me the money back because you knew you did wrong so i gave it you back as i didn't want it.
  14. Dont get me wrong peter i do the same with big bounty's, the money dosent bother me at all i make mine on civ to replace all the frickin MXM's i loose on respawn xD but the money issue feels me different to SOME cops.
  15. By what i mean is because its harder for APD to catch high bounty's when they do they don't give a shit what you got to say in your story your getting the full amount ticket ive seen and heard this happen so many times, its starting to seem a lot like greed is coming into it.
  16. Which i feel pre-wipe RP played a bigger part no it seems like its all about the money.
  17. Ok, i don't know for some but this is from my personal experience as playing civ since the wipe, I've come to conclusion since that we have been asked or trained to try and use the tilde key to a minimum as an APD officer to try and make the server more lifelike, i have noticed that probably 80-90% of APD will no longer want to RP as its is a lot harder to catch and arrest high bounty criminals, you find it a lot harder to receive a pardon even if your stood there for a solid 30 minutes RP'ing the shit out of a story made up, I think the reason is its because they know they are not going be able to catch another high bounty criminal for another server reset at least so they need to get as much money as they can from you who's being detained, Not only is it harder to try and RP your way out but a lot of the force also realize they are only going to get 40% out of you if you refuse the ticket which again makes it harder for them to gain money that's why they'll just pretty much robocop you and move on. i do feel that pre-wipe did have a lot more RP involved and ive asked around and a few have agreed, i think the reason pre-wipe there was more RP involved was for the fact they could give you a pardon walk outside the HQ and literally tilde another guy and pick him up, before the wipe they also new whether or not you paid the ticket they'd get full bounty price if they ended up sending you to prison. Dont be hostile about this post or be offended but these are just my opinions that's all, I'd also like to read as to what some of civ's and APD officers also think so feel free to comment back. Bring back Virus and this Tilde key <3 and Tildering 1k bounty's [MC] GaFSki aka Officer GaFSki.
  18. Mate just seen you post, as everyone said keep strong and take everyday as it comes Good luck and i hope you land on your feet straight away, <3 x
  19. we were out numbered like 2/1 so we had to play with a different strategy than you guys, also i think youll find one off our was atleast 700m from the center, which was GrandpaSquid that took Nick Wong from 697m'ish, also if you was listening to Moob he said that the circle MOOB created on the map was where we were guna try keep the battle within as it would take to long to find each other but you guys tryed to flank at kinda failed and your strategy broke apart, you became individuals trying to find picks. Conner and Squid are in [Tree] but Squid dont run tags :/
  20. Mcdili we only had like 10-12 [Tree] members there, There were atleast 20+ [MC] members, we were out numbered and WE out played you guys, dont say salty stuff or try make excuses for the loss, or dont create these wars if your guna try make everyone think you guys were cheated out of it ok. simple.
  21. Tree Won with [Tree] Nattyboh Clutching a 2v1 Do you hail?.....
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