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Legacy VIP
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I am almost always paranoid when walking away from ATMs and have never been more conscience of locking my truck doors.
  2. Weird, ok. I'll pull up the receipts and make a ticket. Thanks!
  3. Sooooooooo I have all the benefits of Tier 5 but not VIP? I think somethings missing here......... I have the 20% discount, $3450 paychecks ect. I paid the required amount as the paypal link is in US dollars. I typed in $250 and it automatically adjusts for the low value of the Canadian dollar and charges me a depressingly large correction. I'm guessing it just didn't activate on the forum as my Arma ID is receiving all the benefits.
  4. Who the hell in server 2 and a member of the ADP talks like Bane from Batman? Golden voice when not being arrested, makes me want to hang myself when being arrested lol. Haha posted that without reading the last 2 comments ^
  5. I have donated to tier 5 but still don't have access to VIP. Do i need to do anything else other than pay 300 (really shitty) Canadian dollars?
  6. I say........If you enjoy the server.........Donate so they can keep making it better.
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