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Everything posted by JakeFromStateFarm700

  1. Same, Server 3 modded?
  2. Don't you just hate it, when your gang leader crashes your own hell, and wont pay you back. Anybody Recurring? 5zuxYlWqVh2k.878x0.Z-Z96KYq.jpg

    1. dannyfrog87


      Never had that problem but then i dont let them fly my chopper. that way it doesnt happen lol. if it gets blown up or whatever. do enough drug runs or something so you have plenty of money to fall back on for collateral or accidental damage ....

    2. JakeFromStateFarm700


      Just trying to piss him off, haha.

    3. Dejay


      nah, you do one run of meth and get over it.

  3. Ok, buddy you don't have to be salty.
  4. Ok, Thank You.
  5. Just wondering if stats would be coming back to the website?
  6. The story could be better. Just saying.
  7. No stratis can be good, especially for runs. But it should only be like cocaine and weed.
  8. Today is Hade's Birthday today, so Happy Birthday Hade's. Thanks for all you do to help the server.
  9. Sorry, need to buy a graphics card.
  10. I think server 3 should make its comeback. As of recently both server's one and two have been full. I believe that server 3 should make it's comeback. I really don't get why they took it down after the wipe anyway. Anybody else with me or nah?
  11. The real JakeFromStateFarm is [AVF]JakeFromStateFarm. Everybody got it, good.
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