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Everything posted by JakeFromStateFarm700

  1. Are legacy donators ever going to get back their perks at rebel?
  2. HI @Stix is my dad
  3. Nope, I don't explain?
  4. I just lost all my money and licences? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Linka




    3. VasShows
    4. Brennan


      Question marks don't begin at the end of a statement.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDRM7MRZAoE
  6. #LarryForSeargent
  7. But I got it from Larry
  8. Anyone want to buy a mar 10? Post if you want to buy it and how much you'll pay.
  9. What about a god damn stats?!?!
  10. Does anybody know how to fix ~. It would be really helpful and i'd be appreciative.
  11. Probably won't re-apply but best of luck to ya.
  12. I don't check the general discussion on the PD I check the rules updates that's it.
  13. Chill bro, I have a life and other things I need to attend to. I gotta other sh*t to do. I'll re-apply but I still think it's bs when people play more than higher ups.
  14. Same here, apparently people that meet the requirement for play time get un-white listed
  15. Try resetting your router.
  16. Nothing anymore for in game, but you do support the community and you can get a private TS channel.
  17. I bought a new house, but when I try to place it says to buy a new house or you've reached your max crate limit
  18. Can Legacy Donators Still use large crates?
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