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Everything posted by FoxyMamaFTW

  1. Figured this needed an actual topic since others have been getting hijacked by house ads. Post the General Location of your property, which server, and the best way to contact you. PLEASE TALK PRICES AND DETAILS IN PM OR ANYWHERE BUT HERE! If you sell your property then please edit your listing to say "-SOLD-" Happy House Hunting!
  2. I had this issue once, I was stopped In my SUV just outside of Kavala and was using steam overlay to look up somthing and then tabbed back in and was sending a text to someone in game when my SUV just randomly blew up. Nobody around, no cars, just an explosion GG
  3. This seems like so long ago #ConstableSnake
  4. Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding
  5. November 4th is when BI launches their update with the new dlc
  6. Sometimes people hit request revive and respawn at the same time. Usually there's a little red and black square with their name next to it on their location.
  7. I'll bet Snake and Kratos remember this! http://imgur.com/PmG5bhO
  8. Says Snake as he currently holds the record for most business suits in one crate
  9. Make sure you get your ticket approved before sitting in the channel FYI
  10. Dang.. Shooting from cars would be soo helpful but we all know that trolls will be doing drive-bys on quads and abusing soo much.. Too bad some people have to ruin the game for everyone else
  11. We went to 85 man servers at one point but all it did was lag. I read somewhere that they might try it again when the new update comes out but for right now i think its staying at 75.
  12. So I am exited that Bohemia released an official launch date for the new dlc and features and I was wondering if the new dlc would be implemented in the server (unless of course the 2 new helis are attack choppers) and i am also wondering if firing from vehicles will be added when it is released? Cheers! FoxyMamaFTW
  13. Hi I'm FoxyMamaFTW and I like to play medic and unintentionally blow up little birds, ps I dont hack. FAQ down below (I don't have a kik) 1) Are you Jesus? Depends how much you pay me. alt answer Im 90% Jesus ))))) 2) Will you sign my left nipple? Depends how much you pay me. 3) Will you use yer 1337 hax0rz to boost my cash flow? Depends how much you pay me. 4) Do people really ask you these questions? No, Im just super bored. 5) Is your answer to almost everything, depends how much you pay me? Depends how much you pay me. 6) Can I be your friend on steam? Depends how much you pay me. 7) Are you gay? Depends how much you pay me. 8) Do you think anyone will read this? Nah porbably not, but whatevs maybe some loser will wanna read it. 9) Is that you in your profile pic? Yeah that was me sawggin out at age 4 Feel free to ask more questions, jk no one asked me any of these, but it would help if you kidz would ask some. Oh you want PC specs too? Well here they are! 133 mhz Pentium 1 16 mb RAM Windows 95 Logitech
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