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Everything posted by ladyicarus


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hades


      Do not talk about HL3, it will send me into spazims.

    3. SPBojo
    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      HL3 is just a MYTH. We shall see a cow flying through the sky on a tricycle before HL3 ever hits earth.

  2. For those of you who are suggesting I'm asking for special treatment, you're sadly mistaken. Rape threats whether it's be towards men or women are completely inappropriate and should not be tolerated at all. I'm asking for new rules to be implemented to protect both sexes from sexual harassment, not just the women. Your comments suggesting I'm being favored because I have tits are completely inappropriate and you should be ashamed of yourselves for carrying on about in such a manner. Like I said previously, I am not trying to get every perpetrator banned, but trying to implement new rules that protect ALL citizens from these types of sexual and crude offenses. The only reason I'm throwing my gender around is because I have to face this type of harassment daily, and after two weeks of playing on a day-to-day basis, I'm sick of it. You're all telling me to shrug it off, and move on. Boys will be boys and whatnot, but imagine if you were in my situation. What would you do? Try to be a little empathetic ffs. And for those of you suggesting I am being harassed because of my play style, no, I'm afraid not. The instances I documented for you lovely folks were ones in which I was sought out just because I'm female. The misogyny is real.
  3. I've been playing games online for as long as I can remember, and for the most part I do end up shrugging it off and moving on with my day. I expect differently from Olympus because it is a RPG server, and there are already rules in place to protect people from certain aspects, so why not include sexual harassment/abusive behavior? I wouldn't reach out to express my discomfort with the male community in CS:GO (which I play regularly), but I definitely feel Olympus is different than any online gaming community I've encountered. Hence why I love it so much, and have gone as far as to contribute to the server both personally and financially. If my assumptions about this server are misplaced or wrong, then I apologize and I obviously do not belong here. Aside from that, I wholeheartedly agree with everything you've said.
  4. I'm incredibly fortunate to have joined DB within the first few days I started playing on Olympus, and am forever grateful for them taking me in and helping me when I find myself in shitty situations. <3
  5. I was wondering if you would consider implementing new rules to protect us female gamers. For instance, say someone threatens to rape me and the situation ends with them dead, and a manslaughter charge on my end - currently 50/50 ends with me having my gun license removed, as well as my weapons, and being issued a ticket. Situations like this hardly seem fair at all, yet I'm consistently dealing with them. It doesn't help that a lot of the new APD members don't actively respond to my text messages in effort to turn myself in or I somehow manage to find myself dealing with an officer who instead of role playing would rather restrain me, issue a ticket, and be on their merry way (I won't mention any names but this has happened more often than preferred). I will definitely be submitting tickets for the more harsher engagements I've encountered, but what of those that aren't? There are no rules in place (citizen nor APD) that protect me, or other female games. I know that APD can't take a citizen's word, but what about the situations in which they're present and like many have said, can only issue three verbal warnings before any action on their end can be done. Might I suggest restraining orders, bigger and/or more serious tickets for offenders, other alternatives that alloy the citizen to protect themselves and it be actually seen as self defense? I'd rather not have my only option be submitting video/screenshot evidence, and rather see something done about it in-game if possible. Not every situation I've encountered should end with the offender being banned, but I definitely feel like something should be done. Does this make sense? :/ That behavior is absolutely horrendous, and for your sake I hope something is being done about it.
  6. Like I said earlier, I'm aware that this is in fact the internet, and situations like this are bound to happen but I do want to add this: I'm not playing CS:GO, CoD, LoL, etc. I'm playing Atlis Life RPG, heavy on the RPG. Whether or not it is your initial intention, if you condone this type of crude behavior you are essentially saying that this type of behavior is acceptable in real life. Especially taking into consideration the younger audience playing these games. I remember being a impressionable 13 year old on the internet, and I also remember being exposed to sexual materials, among other things, that ended up shaping me into the person I am today. Are these the kind of messages we want to send to the younger generation? That it's okay to sexually harass and threaten to rape women? Online or not, we're role models for the younger folks on Olympus.
  7. Thank you man, I genuinely appreciate it. I have several videos over the last few days to go through, and then I'll definitely be sending in evidence against those I've accused.
  8. I'm not making claims, I'm stating facts. I have been around different officers during different encounters, whilst being harassed and in return nothing being done about it - not even a verbal warning. I find it absolutely appalling that the ONLY way for action to be taken is for me to record and submit every interaction like this I have. Which to be frank - I do not have the time, nor energy to do such a thing. I would like to see new rules implement to protect me, (and those in the very same situation as me) from such harassment. I very well understand that this is the internet and situations like this are bound to happen, BUT when it's an issue that we face on a day-to-day basis, how can nothing be done about it? His name is DREW in all caps, is this sufficient evidence? He wasn't using a mic throughout my entire interaction with him, but rather typing nasty comments in chat.
  9. Something has to change. I'm tired of being singled out and sexually harassed on a day-to-day basis, and I can assure you that I'm not the only one. It's no secret that the Olympus servers are primarily a sausage fest, same being said in general for any online gaming community, but that is no excuse to allow the female minority to be harassed and abused consistently, without any repercussions for the perpetrators. I can assure you that no man, nor pre-pubescent boy would get away with walking up to me and forcefully thrusting his genitals in my face in real life, so why is this behavior acceptable in game? Why aren't any efforts being made to stop this crude behavior? Just to give you a liiitle insight to what I have to deal with on a regular, here are some lovely memories I've had the pleasure of enduring while on Olympus. Earlier this evening Medic DREW (while on duty) called me a bitch because I shot him in the foot when another gang and I were roleplaying with him, waiting for the server to restart. After server restart he got back on as a civ and continued to harass me, typing in side chat that I "needed to get some dick." I cannot fathom why someone like that would even be allowed to be a medic in the first place. Might I add there were also two officers on at the time who refused to even issue him a verbal warning, let alone do anything about his horrendous behavior. Another time I was hanging out in Kavala, a group of 5 boys come up to be and decide it'd be just hiiilarious to follow me around for over 10 minutes, spamming their mics with "girl, girl, girl" WHILE two police officers stood by watching it happen, and refusing to assist me at all (not even giving them a verbal warning, just a casual "leave the poor girl alone"). You know what ended up happening? I ended up shooting three of them (the others ran off), after asking them several times to please leave me alone and letting them know I'd rather not hurt them. This ended up with my weapon seized later when I turned myself into the police, as well as having my gun license removed. Doesn't seem to fair, eh? <---different situation. And last, but not least, there is the fond memory I have of two guys walking up to me in Kavala while I'm crouched and insisted on thrusting their genitals in my face and then laughing at me when I ask them to please stop. They continued to harass both myself and Queen until we had enough of their shit and ended up shooting them. Shoutout to McDili for being a champ and helping me and Queen out with those manslaughter charges, you da man. Oh yeaaah, there is also the time where some dude threatened to rape me...in front of an officer, who, SURPRISE, did nothing but tell them to stop. If that isn't enough, myself and the other females who play on the servers are consistently being called a "bitch," "cunt," "whore," "slut," among other things, while nothing is being done. Is this the type of behavior you condone? Why is nothing being done despite my (and others) persistence to seek help time after time?
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