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Everything posted by FluffyWolf

  1. back messing around XD
  2. FluffyWolf checking in ;)


    1. Chaos


      it seems we are at a impass...


  3. Title says it all i will no longer be playing the olympus altis life servers and will no longer be a cop. I have lots of things i am doing IRL and need to focus on that and move on. Olympus has been my home for the past 9 months and i loved every moment of it. Would like to say a special thanks to Ace for things he has done that have made my time here enjoyable. You might still see me over on the wasteland every now and again but will get less and less as time goes on. Love you all and game on friends! Fluffy!
  4. TBH ya its annoying but if its fun for him thats what matters
  5. Welcome Have fun!
  6. Thats called a sports hatchback and you can get one to... your argument is invalid
  7. Invite fluffy he makes life better and fluffy!
  8. Alright all this is all you will see of FluffyWolf i am done here was alot of fun and i have made alot of good friends and made alot of memories if you still want to be friends my steam is jwolf48 just msg me your name and we can play sometime other then that goodbye and good luck to all!

  9. Ummm ALASKA yes i go every year good being from there
  10. You all might be seeing me on APD sooner then i was expecting we will see...

    1. JamesM



  11. Taking a break from the server have overplayed to it not being fun ill see all of you in 1-2 weeks APD keep kicking reble butt :) Till then Fluffy out...

  12. I have always got them back
  13. Just wait i know this will be funny
  14. Largest drug run ever done was SGW they ran nothing but hemmit boxes and did heroin i forget how many guys there were i want to say 20+ took half the reset b4 to get all the gear and trucks and then they ran the next reset. Only problem was we were all looking at over a 50M payday for the group and then lag hits i wont lie they lost over 15 hemmits. So not a legit run but attempted run with more loss XD
  15. FluffyWolf:Because hes fluffy you have to love him D3V1L: Because well hes d3v1l I love both
  16. You have to realize that our Sergent have a lot to do they will get to you when they can this is a perfect time to read the handbook and make sure you pass.
  17. Wrong it was drug related!
  18. Will you ever get lost?
  19. peace man was good playing with you and knowing you!
  20. awwwww you are following principle good job!
  21. Its All Ok Everything Is Principle
  22. Travis is the caption of the APD what he says goes, The other officer has more or less no say in that manner so it was pointless for you to do.
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