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Everything posted by Ham

  1. sorry, so sad that that "Ham" faggot left.
  2. I guess I'm "kool"
  3. Ash isn't leaving, he changed his name.
  4. Ham


    that's your voice
  5. Ham


  6. Ham


    wtf, you don't know when to stop xD
  7. Ham


    You made the list in my heart <3 (That sounds gay as AIDS) <15:49:33> "Ara" pokes you: didnt quit chaning names Well then...
  8. <3
  9. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

    I know It's okay, and thanks <3
  10. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

    What has my post turned into...
  11. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

    wtf is that?
  12. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

  13. This is gold :) 


  14. Whoever isn't removing me from the APD, ily <3

  15. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

    I don't know dude. No one RP's with me anymore was the big thing.
  16. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

    Re-add? wth you mean?
  17. Hey there man I hope you enjoy Olympus as much as I did. But, you know every time someone starts up, we have to give them the links to the rules. I'll also include APD handbook as well because I enjoyed that <3 There, that should be all you need, unless you want medic which I'll link below this. Enjoy your stay on Olympus and the key to having the best time is to RP. Love, Ham <3
  18. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

    Omg dude, I don't know who you are, but that fact that you remember something like that is awesome <3
  19. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

    Thanks man <3 I'll be around here and there, so if you see me in the ts or anything just message me <3
  20. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

  21. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

    Winters - I got you and Rogue mixed up sometimes and before I spoke I had to look in the channel. You're a really funny guy and it's hilarious when you're drunk. I hope the best to you man <3 ily 2 bb <3
  22. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

    <3 <3
  23. xD lol Goonie, you never fail to amuse Some people like their fries with a little extra salt. Well, because I'm technically gone from the community, I'll just say my piece and leave. Okay, I know 3 Rip never hacked. Like, it's just a bunch of butthurt people and some made up evidence that got him banned. Everybody should be allowed to see the evidence on why he got banned, but the thing is, no admin has, no civ has, no medic has, no apd member has, no one has. Now, from what I've heard from people is that 3 Rip is now banned solely for ban evading. But like, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I would ban evade my ass off for this server and it's not like someone has already ban evading for a year when it was basically the same condition as 3 Rip's. It was a bullshit ban and they ban evaded. Like, if he really wants to play the server that damn much, let him fucking play. Like holy shit. I don't know if people are just so full of how 3 Rip fucking destroyed them or they are just generally going with what Ace said, but it is getting out of hand. Like, unban him so you can stop this worthless feud. He got banned for the most bullshit reason ever and ban evading so he could play on his favorite server. And guess who else did that? NW Downy. Got banned for bullshit by Hades and then Ban Evaded for a WHOLE YEAR and guess what he gets, a free ride back on to Altis. Okay, well I've said what I wanted to say and I know this is probably going to be hidden, but I could care less. inb4 the "Ham, I respected you before, but now, you're a fucking retard." If you where to respect me, you would respect my opinion. Have a good day <3
  24. Ham

    Bye Guys :)

    Thanks bb <3 I could have <3 and thanks man Grizzlybear - I always enjoyed the times were we would just flame each other and it was for fun. You're also a really funny guy and you're fun to play with. <3 Orgondo - You're a leprechaun with fucking growth hormones, people say you look like a lumberjack, but they don't have an imagination ;). I really enjoyed playing with you dude, and also playing zombies with you, @Josh122, and @DeathSnare was one of the funniest things ever. The fucking panzersherk was funny as hell. I'll miss you dude, you alweays knew how to have a good time and not take things to seriously, even though you guys did ban me from ts and then murder me like 4 fucking times and then I killed 3 of you and you let my body sink, I'm not even mad bro ;). I hope you have a great day dude btw, I wanted to make it quick because i had family coming over, and once I posted I remember like 20 people and I felt bad It was always fun rping with you dude, Phizx didn't know shit, I had to treat you right <3 Yeah, I remember that <3 Thanks, I didn't want to get moderated, but I had to say something right? lol. I'll see you around man Thomas Blinder - I use to hate the living shit out of you because I thought you were a flaming cunt, but then I played with you on the CQC server and it was really fun and after that a few months later I joined T and you were tone of the main people I talked to. You're really funny, but I don't understand you sometimes. Like why would you have on archetype period lol jk. ily man and good luck dude <3 <3 That was to the point <3
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