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Everything posted by Ham

  1. How do i change my Dexterous member title?

  2. The might be older, but they are all children...... at heart
  3. The daily life of the one and only [Taxi] Marty
  4. Still haven't received that ban...
  5. When Mory tries to play dirty The original -I-
  6. When someone say you're ugly
  7. Revive him, Mr. Medic
  8. I copy the link from my steam desktop thing, go to chrome, paste link, and then I right click. copy image, and then paste.
  9. When Natsirt Cheats
  10. True :), I do love roleplay, if you have ever met me in-game, you could either have a fun time with my roleplay or a bad time
  11. We all say that, but a small bit of all of us likes the cash
  12. Easy Money I guess
  13. Lol, were you just waiting for them to die each time?
  14. Never really thought about it :/
  15. I am usually the guy on the quad
  16. I like all of them <3
  17. Happy Birthday to the proud owner of KangerTech <3

    1. JoeL


      I'll buy a Titan today to show my appreciation.

  18. 10/10 Gary Rams Helis AgainRhyming
  19. Congrats on Sergeant, Doc! Mr. HamShouldn'tBeACopABecauseOfHisMessedUpRPStories. <3

  20. Congrats on Sergeant, Guy! Though, you shouldn't be able to play cop while high on koosh. <3

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