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Everything posted by Snakob

  1. Only if WingWong and I can come back and tow some vehicles. @Hades
  2. This post was some of my best work
  3. tru I ALSO HELPED MAKE THE BLTN PODCAST INTO THE GREAT TIME IT HAS BECOME! Think about Episode 1: Snakes Blacklist! and like Episode10ish: Snake's Unban!
  4. This is perhaps the most pleasant surprise on the entire thread. Thanks FatClamenza.
  5. The #Free posts are funny, but please guys - Exploiters, Cheaters, and Mass RDM'rs aren't quite the same thing as ol Adam and I

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      #FreeAres - he was never banned for anything you listed.

    3. Willski


      Lets just have an Olympus purge where all the banned people come back in the server for a day and there are no rules.

    4. SPBojo


      i actually want to see you unbanned.

  6. If you look back at my PostPermban Track Record, I did exactly what I promised I would to the admins. I played by the rules and was respectful to the people I was playing with and against. The only people who had issues with me were individuals who weren't willing to bury the hatchet and just play the game. Honestly, I'm currently perm banned for the same type of trolling that has been repeatedly laid down in this very thread. Consider that for a moment.. interesting, right?
  7. I do not endorse this strawpoll
  8. Unfortunately That will be something that I am unable to do for you sir. Lol I'm gonna have to play with Sidechat off per PapaLost
  9. I dont actually know what that video has to do with me since thats Hamofmoose.. but http://www.twitch.tv/kadash29/c/5821987 http://www.twitch.tv/kadash29/c/5715430 http://www.twitch.tv/kadash29/c/5841326 I personally don't specifcally recall this instance, But I do remember having a similar situation where then captain Travis said "If they disobey the orders from the ghost hawk, kill their asses. Regardless of what they do, they disobeyed your orders". For the record, I also dont see you surrendering in that video - However, I see that the gopro is strong Lol
  10. MRW I see Hades GIF:
  11. Welcome to 5 months ago ! But On a serious note, for those of you who don't know I was actually banned for flaming Warfare on the forums after he tried to dust the server =/ I was banned on screenshots of a post that I personally deleted.
  12. Smashed
  13. At the advisement of my great buds LoST, BooBoo and Ace, May I present to you my public appeal to the Olympus Community. As many of you know, Snake was an individual who played on Olympus for many moons, and put a lot of hard time and effort into growing the server into what it has become today. As many more of you know, I am currently Perm Banned from the Servers for publicly attacking Warfare many months ago on the forums. As a lot of you know, I have been involved in much scrutiny in the past for my attitude towards players - Which may have perhaps been a bit over the top. As someone who has not spoken to Warfare since then, I'd assume he's probably just about as over it as I am, and could likely care less about old quams over nothing. Rather than making this a massive post with a groveling apology, I'll just say this in a simple and efficient manner: My buds are coming back to Olympus, and I'd like to join them. I apologize for my actions, and I know that this isn't how, "Ban Appeals" work, and thats not what this is. This is a simple survey of the Olympus Community to see how the general public would feel about the return of Snake. Vote honestly, and share the post. Roleplay is the name of the game, and I'm ready to get back to it. I'll leave with one final note, Please remember that I was never banned for breaking in game server rules, Only for the way I intracted with other members of the community whose personality are as big as mine (Booboo and Warfare). The Polls are Open. Let's see some opinions.
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