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Posts posted by Linka

  1. Warrior (2011)

    literally the best fighting movie I have ever watch besides rocky, it had me on the edge of my seat the whole time and it actually lost money in the box office. the characters, plot, just everything was so amazing and no one gives it enough credit. I've rewatched it 5 times in the past month and I dont regret it

  2. 6 hours ago, KrispyK said:

    actually not be fucking garbage, win the fight before hand. feds are defined as won when the bomb blows. 

    just follow the blackfish... if anything only make the transport illegal as thats the problem, not the 1000 storage

    “Not be fucking garbage” someone sounds like they are getting any ego!

    not that big of a deal. If you have problems with, come up with actual solutions instead of attacking others.

    • Like 1
  3. 56 minutes ago, MrBoonie said:

    Oh get over yourself kid, I was kidding around, these few white knights wanted to save the day with attempting to roast me, so I rebuttaled no one can defend themselves or have an opinion or can't make jokes  or they will be labeled as "toxic" well bud I think your toxic for calling ME toxic.



    I genuinely have no respect for you.

    • Like 4
  4. Unfortunately people take different roads that definitely aren’t the best option. In the end even if we did do something, the end result is always on them. Im very sorry to hear about this man, but remember, it isn’t your fault. my condolences to you, your friend, and her family.

  5. 1 minute ago, TheCmdrRex said:

    That to me is an extremist view on camping stuff. If you are actually afraid to enter towns like DP17 and DP25 then you were not taught very well on this issue.

    In my opinion there is a pretty clear line on what is camping and what is not. Intention of officers, visual on the redzone, movement of officers, and total time doing this can easily dictate whether the intention of someone was to patrol the area or get a peak/camp the redzone. If someone is sitting in DP 17 and doesn't have visual, but is waiting for a car to go burning down the road towards the rebel so he can chase it, he is probably going to get talked to if he does it excessively. If someone is entering DP 17 for the sake of simply patrolling it, catches a few glimpses of rebel on his path around the city but doesn't make that his primary focus and then leaves the area after he deems it clear, then congrats. He did it right. 


    All of you guys seriously expecting immunity from the APD going to your gangshed just because it's 800 meters from a redzone need to sit down and do some thinking.

    Also - I do not condone camping a gangshed without an actual reason. I find it completely absurd when cops do it just because they see [Tree] on for example. However, as long as it appears to be within the bounds of rules and there is a pure intention of catching criminals, rather than camping a redzone, then I am not going to stop it. 

    Go ahead and elaborate here while your at it. Don't tease us now. Let's hear it. 

    I have had my fair share of watching a gangshed from 1.5km out with some rangefinders. But to my defense there wasn't much going on as well as 9 times out of 10 that I personally have done it, I have had some pretty great reasons like having witnessed civilians there before in that session. 

    I don’t expect immunity, but like you said I expect them to be there for a reason. Not “hey, we checked moonshine and no one was there. Is MC on? Oh, get in the orca we are going to camp.” That’s oretty excessive and I’m ashamed I did it to Tree and BW.

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