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DocJoe Cornpusher

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  1. If you are nice to her and give her everything and she doesn't acknowledge it, your to good for her.
  2. See cunts not all about you h8rs gotta h8
  3. Inky and I are from Oakland county MI fuckers.
  4. Fuck you don't judge
  5. so funny https://gyazo.com/2c9d4322740ea31414dd4c2e12ac9a6c My bad fucking didnt work doing this on my phone
  6. 1. IGN: DocJoe Cornpusher 2. How did you find Olympus?: Random Rp server that I joined and never left. 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Like this
  7. Ya I was. I have it on vid too, I just need to upload it.
  8. 2 more weeks of BCT and ill be back, done off to AIT. Hopefully I can use my computer at AIT so I can have some fun. I miss Olympus.
  9. ~ Tell us a little something about yourself! ~ Hi my name is Brad, im a 18 years old but you all know me a DocJoe Cornpusher. I live in Oakland county Michigan and I love to play simulation game such as Arma or War Thunder most of the time. Im kinda a geek, when i was in high school I was in robotics, I was always making thing and spending most of my time learning nonsense for fun. I started PC gaming on Arma 2 dayz way back when and have never stopped sense. Currently i am waiting to ship out to Basic Training for the army on June 7 for 10 week at fort Jackson then to Ait at fort still for another 22 weeks- My Mos is 14E "Patriot Fire Control Enhanced Operator/Maintainer". ~ Which section of the forums are you most interested in and why? ~ Video and Screenshots, I love to see what people are doing and the funny moments they have. Not montages, no one wont's to see you shot at things ok. ~ How did you find out about Olympus entertainment? How long have you been a part of our community? ~ I found out about Olympus on my own, when I first got Arma i got it to play on RP server, me and my friend just played on it one day and we took off with the community. ~ Have you made any friends during your time in this community? ~ Yes, most of my steam friends are from Olympus. ~ What is your most memorable experience in our servers? ~ There are so many but one that sticks out to me is when no admins or cops are in Kavala and a group of rdmer's get on and me and Inky vigi all of them, it so satisfying. ~ Do you have a video of your favorite RP moment you would like to share? ~ no i wish ~ Do you have a video of your favorite funny moment in-game you would like to share? ~ no i wish ~ What do you think a player should do at least ONCE while playing in our community? Have your friends get to gather and ting of things that you can do no mater how stupid or even if you will get banned, and do them. like slinging a atv over kav and kill grandma gary in his ghosthawk. ~ What is your favorite location in Altis ~ Kavala ~ What do you think is the best thing about Altis Life and our Olympus community? ~ The dedication that people go throw to get "3rip' yes i said its name.. unbaned and still stick up for it. ~ Do you have any tips or hints for new members? ~ Dont by a gun you will wast you $ and do copper, dont be an asshole. ~ Who do you consider the most UNIQUE member of our community? ~ Everyone has there own way of doing thing and that's what i like to experience, all the different personality you can fine in the community.
  10. that kid that got taze was shit Kappa.
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