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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. Still selling alot of CSAT clothing cheap!
    PM me for more info

  2. This is what I still have with prices, the prices for some things are reduced. I am attempting to sell as much as I can. All prices are negotiable. Ghillie Suit [CSAT] x 60 - 50k Each /40k Bulk Fatigues (Urban) [CSAT] x 6 - 75k - Negotiable Fatigues (Green Hex) [CSAT] x 40 75k Pilot Coveralls x 9 - 100k+ Defender Helmet x 15 - priced by offer MXM - priced by offer 2 x APD MXs - priced by offer
  3. Deal Ill PM you The Ghillies are at a reduced price of 50k a Piece. If you buy bulk Ill do 40k a piece.
  4. Deal, Ill include 6 mags for 600k. I sent you a PM
  5. actually, I haven't made anything yet. I've set up these deals with people but no one else seems to want to follow through, except for Chaos which will be something done later this evening. Everything is a first come first serve basis!
  6. no set price. Prices are negotiable, make an offer.
  7. Yea, got some CSAT for sale as well as a few APD items PM or steam message me offers, hit me up in OS team speak or where ever you can. Ghillie Suit [CSAT] x 60 Fatigues (Urban) [CSAT] x 6 Fatigues (Green Hex) [CSAT] x 40 Pilot Coveralls x 9 Defender Helmet x 15 Lethal CMR with 5 mags MXM 2 x APD MXs 1 x Lethal MX All for sale for Olympus Money. Prices are negotiable.
  8. CSAT clothing for sale! I was ready.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. bigPat


      Good, I didnt know that it was.

      No Savage I will not sell in game items for paypal money for this goes against Bohemia's strict laws of some sort. 

    3. savage (;

      savage (;


  9. We are just going to continue to kill you so why waste the money?
  10. Thanks, all I needed to see. Have a good one.
  11. You know, there is a lot that I could come back to this post and say right now but I am choosing not to do so. This isnt really a talk anymore, So Ill be tuning out and letting the rest of youz all bitch back and forth at each other. not worth my time. Ill be the bigger person here and say, its just a video game. Lighten up for fucks sake and just give the community what they want.
  12. I don't have time to argue with people that seem to not just give the community or most of the community for the most part, what they want. I wont be wasting my time reading these paragraphs that all say the same thing and that have all said the same thing since this issue had started been complaining about. Again, I didn't want to start up flame but this seems to have. In my eyes, many many many people of the community just want the hospitals to be "simplified" I guess is the best way to put it. So why not just give us what we want? This has been made a much bigger deal then it needed to be in the first place. I intended to help but everyone just wants to argue about it, everyone get your head out of your asses.
  13. Clearly, no one ever said once that the problem is "just the hospitals" its just a CLEAR issue that we CAN fix, and will HELP with the texture bug issue.
  14. Not a scientist by any means. Its just that I got texture bugged 1 too many times right next to a hospital. Everyone knows its not the only place nor the only reason but it is one that we can fix and potentially remove one of the factors from the situation.
  15. I know people have been complaining about this for some time now. I was not sure if anyone had taken the time to actually go and take video evidence of it, along with posting their PC specs as well. This is my rig and is only about 60 to 90 days old so. i7 6700k MSI Nvidia 1060 16GB RAM SSD(arma loaded on it) 1TB SATA hd (CPU is water cooled if that makes any difference) I want to say that I do not know anything about "behind the scenes" designing/scripting that goes into the server. What I can tell is that this is an issue for me with a decent and fairly new computer. Hate to see what it does for those less fortunate that cant afford a new PC or have the option to get one for whatever reason. From 60 to 40 frames you can notice but still play. From 25-30 to drop to 10-15 well that happens to be nearly unplayable, I used to be there. Both Videos are 2:30 long. Show the same route take from outside of render distance to render in on the main airfield R&R HQ I show my settings in both to confirm the settings are the same for both, as well as time for restart, one is right before and right after a restart. This first video here is the one right after the restart, you can see I start at 60 frames then once I fly to the hospital I start to drop and end up in the mid to upper 30 FPS, then they begin to level back out once I begin to fly away from hospital. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zvPMKXmo84 This second video is right before a restart, same path was taken and I start with 6 frames as well. When entering render distance on the hospital my game actually freeze frames for a short moment and then comes back, I drop down to the low of 28 FPS from 60 where I started. This only ever happens at hospitals as most of us know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNU5bWquikk The designing looks good sure but who would want to sacrifice performance for this? Highly considering that we already have enough issues causing the texture bugs that currently no one can fix. This isn't intended to start flame, but I took the time to do it and I'm tired so if you say anything negative you can fuck yourself, I don't have the patience for shit. If helps it helps, if it cant help then oh well.
  16. im selling an MX and MXM with 6 mags. Offers?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Turtle Chris

      Turtle Chris

      Medic money's gotta go somewhere!


    3. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      2 huntsman cases and 2 sticker pods on csgo



    4. DarwinsMisfit


      umm you should like ummm turn that umm over to the umm apd.

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