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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. YOU ARE ALL VERY WELCOME! And it wasnt conspireing to buy a firearm illegaly, I was telling Nino a story from my work day.
  2. I agree with that, there has been alot of APD activity lately, I am a part of the APD. The problem I see is the senior apd join and then the server stacks cops. All the little ass kissers are trying to play with the higher ups and its slightly rediculous.
  3. I will just ignore the negativity from this point on, no sense in argueing with someone like you. You should really reflect on what is making your life so shit that you need to be so negative on a game about it. Thanks for the input though.
  4. Thanks for that update on the map, its good to be to know somthing that is going on. I agree with Brennan, your negative opinions really arent wanted here. When I put my time into this server not dieing and you come blast with the negativeity about how other servers are better, why arent you on those other servers forums? If you dont like Olympus then gtfo. Your welcome Sean, Im happy to be a help to you guys. Its been fun as well!
  5. Probably not somthing most people would do simply because there is not trust for other people and no one wants to take a risk, but I just let 2 new guys borrow my orca and box truck slung by the orca to do a run. They will both make good money and have the money they need to get there own helis. I hardly use my box or my orca these days, so why not?
  6. I havent necceisarily paid anyone's tickets myself. Yea, just about every day this week in the evening I have been doing runs with new people paying them 100K each run. I usually take 2 new people at a time. Gives them a chance to get an SUV, upgrade it, then simply do SUV runs of moonshine whitch makes 250K each run so it can get you a good start to the server and show that the community isnt full of complete assholes, and NO I was not about to blame the admins on this one. I admit that Posidon could have given the needed credentials to others admins for them to push updates alot sooner but what is done is done. Its taken care of now. Na, robbing new kids isnt my thing. You must be refering to the other people in my Gang.
  7. Ok, so as we all know some people that been going on and talking about how the server is dieing out. Population is decreasing. Some say its due to the updates not being as frequent as they should, and that the pop will come back up after the map update is pushed. Well, rather than wait for Odin to push the update do somthing about it! Every person on the server, especially the larger more wealthy people and gangs can make a huge impact on the server population. I am sick of seeing and hearing people talk negatively about the server dieing when in my opinion this is one of the best communities of Altis Life that I have personelly experienced. Here are the things I THINK should be done by people to help the server grow. 1. For all the gangs that get bored of doing nothing, and you go robbing, stop robbing people that are new and on an SUV or ATV run. Honestly wtf, theres no sense in that, if it is someone regular and you know that they have the money to lose then go for it, but its a difficult start when your new. Chill on the robbing. 2. Probably more important then the chilling on the robbing new people is to HELP them. Go to the Olympus TS and look around, or text some of the newer names you see in game. Take them for a " ride along " and show them the ropes. Take them for a run, pay them 150K if you do a large enough run. That is enough to get a decent start on Olympus Life. Lets stop hateing and start being pro life. If we want a server such as this to last then we cant rely on nothing to make it work for us.
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