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About Detcord

  • Birthday 05/06/1970

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    Western Montana

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  1. Firstly, you're really going to trust information given by Reddit? Reddit was created by hackers, ran by hackers and used by hackers. How do you think that Sony Entertainment was hacked? High level developers for SOE were/are using Reddit from their work computers, which gives COMPLETE access to the servers and our information to Reddit and the hackers who control Reddit.The only people who will deny that proven fact are hackers. Secondly, are you not aware that Arma is developed by Russia? What better way to gain access to millions of U.S. citizens personal information than through gaming software. Every time you upload/download from any online game you are giving that company permission to have complete access to your pc. Just read the agreement that you digitally sign when installing any games. When you put my first comment together with my second and realize that immediately after SOE's "hack" that SOE was purchased by a high ranking Russian oil tycoon with close ties to the Kremlin and Putin then things start becoming clear. Why the hells would an oil tycoon with no other holdings or interest in the gaming industry suddenly become interested in a billion dollar company which can give them potential access to millions of users private information, including those who play from their federal work pc's. Hoe many active duty US military play games from their federally connected work network? Tons. If you do not use failsafe measures to protect your identity and your pc then yes, there is a constant danger of being hacked. NEVER use your real name and/or personal bank debit/credit card for a game. ALWAYS use a layer of pc firewalls. Use these precautions especially if a game company is telling you that you must turn off firewall and virus protection in order to play their game. Bottom line, you have nothing to fear from Olympus admins.
  2. If you want to keep new players on this server you might want to tell your members to not be such douchebags to new players in game.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Detcord


      Yeah, no clue who you guys are.

      For the record, I was referring to a group of four who surrounded me with drawn weapons in a town and threatened me not five minutes after I logged in for first time. I was busy with something else and just ignored them until they found someone else to try to troll. Didn't catch their names but, the one who seemed to be their leader sounded like a 12 year old little girl on voice.


      On another occasion some asshat named Cash Out started calling me names and making demands that I move a vehicle that I had just spawned. I couldn't figure out how to get on or move it and this fool just kept yelling at me to move it because it was in their way. Apparently he and others were in the middle of doing something illegal.


      If these incidents happened in real life all involved would be sent away on a stretcher and in handcuffs. New players who have no clue what's going on in a game should not have to put up with this kind of harassment. It's my understanding that RP is supposed to have some rules applied to it and welcomed by all involved.


      Anyways, as a new player who is thinking of streaming the game this is just a casual observation. So far this server seems pretty cool, much better than the competition. 

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      ''Their leader sounded like a 12 year old little girl on Voice'' ~ Welp. get fucked 3 Rip


    4. Mesita


      Im sorry that you had a bad first impression of the servers players. However you must understand that as this is a roleplay server some people choose to be assholes and others decide to be situational assholes. I personally am nice to the newer members and i know a lot of others are as well.

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