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zero the kitten

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Everything posted by zero the kitten

  1. first time i encountered them they tried to rob my MEDIC hemmit from me a R&R member with 2 50cals and a mohawk. Other than that i dont really see them too often.
  2. you complain way too much
  3. get me 250$ dollar donation or i ban you!!! I am recording and i saw you break rules!! donate or ban!!!! (this is a joke ^.^ i really dont even know who you are i just like talking)
  4. my wallet is crying
  5. im sorry to hear man my mother had breast cancer but pulled through i hope your mother can do the same.
  6. u cant laeve oluympus!!!!! U aer admun!!!!! COMP OR BAN!!!!!!
  7. maybe you could steal their card and then the person would have to go somewhere to deactivate it before you use it
  8. he helps every gang have you not figured that out yet?
  9. i understand it is a game so i usually just let it go because i understand that they just want to have a bit of fun. Thank you though i was just wondering
  10. when does something become harassment? I have been called fag furfag dumshit etc etc etc more times than i can count (i can count to atleast 7 so it is more than that) it just gets old i understand that this is a rp server and that happens in real life but sooner or later it should be called harassment
  11. that is probably why haha the servers are located in chicago i think. I wouldnt say paradise i would say hell.
  12. i have a feeling i wont be allowed to take the tree down after christmas because my cat wont want to leave the tree
  13. my cat now lives in my christmas tree and refuses to leave.
  14. try playing when your broad-width randomly drops below 50 and ping goes above 200+
  15. To swag or not to swag? that is the question.... bruh

    1. Odin


      Never swag..... never ever... ever... ever... ever........ ever, swag.

    2. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      not even on swag sunday?

  16. I asked a corporal for permission to do this but i sent a guy fishing to get me a full inv of fish and i gave him half ticket.
  18. I will be accepting all donations from anyone to get me to 250$ donator rank so i can get the suit for my channel 7 news rp that i will now be starting. I need to look professional

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. PoLaRBe4r


      you can't add crates to someone elses house.

    3. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      swag lonnie that would be awesome

      Thomas i was never apart of renegades, why you ask?

    4. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      good thing we cant give away vehicles to others so they can own it, i would make a living off of selling mohawks and hatchback sports.

  19. I have a lot people asking me if i am the "Zero" lol
  20. Ill listen to pretty much anything besides county and rap and super hardcore heavy death metal.
  21. I nominated me myself and I. I will jump right past corporal to that promo because I am so gangster G.
  22. I like to inject my marijuana straight into my pupil.
  23. we will always remember you, your name will probably stay on the top 5 donators for a while.

    1. PoLaRBe4r


      0118 999 881 999 119 7253

  25. Did you try turning it on and off again?
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